Imperial College Business School: The 10-year ROI is USD 870,200, over 14 times greater than the average domestic tuition rate. Ross School of Business: The 20-month course at Ross has a 10-year ROI of around USD 826,300, and students can cover their initial investment in 40 months fol...
Usage Note: The verb roil means literally "to make muddy or cloudy by stirring up sediment," and this meaning has given rise to a number of figurative uses. Roil can also mean "to be or cause to be agitated." Not surprisingly, the synonymous verb rile actually began its existence as a...
Selecting regions of interest (ROI) is a common step in medical image analysis across all imaging modalities. An ROI is a subset of an image appropriate for the intended analysis and identified manually by experts. In modern pathology, the analysis involves processing multidimensional and high resol...
A large number of students admitted into top colleges have taken between 10 and 12 AP classes, which means they have a huge head start on their degree before ever setting foot on campus.Make the Most of Your Time at CollegeThe decisions you make in college can have a ripple effect on ...
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. neoteric - Used to describe a person, especially an author, it means one belongs to modern/recent times—but it might also refer to a per...
dispense combinedwithhighflowrates – evenwithhighviscosity materials – means you can dramatically improve production ratesandROIwithin your operation. 大流量精确计量 分配(包括高粘度材料)意味着可实现生产率与运营投资回报率的显著提高。
In conclusion, multi-year multi-period return on investment figures of this kind can address an extensive range of business questions. For example: What is the ROI for a college education? Is there a positive ROI for professional training? Will the marketing program show a positive return on ...
The College trained nearly 100 staff during the reporting period through its evaluation and impact assessment courses, designed in collaboration with the ROI Institute. 在本报 告所述期间,职员学院通过与投资收益研究所合作编制的评价和影响评估培训 班,培训了近 100 名工作人员。
What does that mean for an eighteen-year-old who wants to choose a college? Well, what it means is that a teacher with a degree from Harvard will make the same salary that a teacher with a degree from Eastern Illinois University would. ...
UoPeople currently enrolls more than 137,000 students from over 200 countries. Many of the university's graduates are working in the leading companies around the world, including Deloitte, Amazon, Apple, Pfizer, Google, Microsoft, and IBM. This report was conducted to measure the ove...