The district of Rohtas in north east India has severe problems in obtaining adequate water supplies for its numerous villages and hamlets. The area has a very low and unreliable rainfall. The problems are compounded in areas where the bedrock is hard and hence difficult to drill such that ...
Magadha Rohtas District SasaramSasaramSasaram is a city in the Magadha region of Bihar, India. The town contains three tombs of Sur kings and a couple of related monuments. Sasaram lies on the Grand Trunk Road, which was refurbished by Sher Shah Suri....
The stone mining industry of Rohtas district is a boon of socio economic development of the study area. Because it provides important raw materials for the house and building construction in and around the region and employment for more than 10,000 of skilled and unskilled labors and ...
A total of 50 core samples of shales and limestones were collected from borehole core of Rohtasgarh limestone in Amehta mine, Vindhyan basin located in Katni district, Madhya Pradesh. The petrographic analysis, X-Ray diffraction, rock eval pyrolysis and maceral studies were carried out on ...