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ROHDE&SCHWARZ主要产品:示波器、频谱分析仪、信号发生器、分析仪、电压表、测试与测量、航空航天|防御|安全、广播与媒体、网络安全,R&S®BBL200 宽带放大器,R&S®PR200 便携式监测接收机,R&S®CLIPSTER母带处理系统,R&S®可信对象管理器端、R&S®可信磁盘、R&S
R&S SMB100B 射频信号发生器 R&S SMA100B 射频和微波信号发生器 R&S ESR 认证级EMI测试接收机 R&S UPP系列 音频信号分析仪 R&S PR200 手持式无线电监测接收机 R&S FPH 手持式频谱分析仪 R&S FPC1500 三合一频谱分析仪 R&S FSV3000 信号与频谱分析仪 查看更多...
德国rohde-schwarz矢量网络分析仪来源:自 2019年05月18日 10:40 分享 作为一家德国独立公司,罗德与施瓦茨凭借行业的专业技术发展成为可靠的合作伙伴,塑造了通信、信息和安全的未来发展。 罗德与施瓦茨为各行各业、基础设施运营商和政府机构开发、生产和销售广泛的电子产品。作为一家独立公司,罗德与施瓦茨在所有...
Download apps by Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, including ROMES Probe, R&S Throughput 2, R&S®PR200 and many more.
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Spectrum monitoring and communications intelligence systems worldwide rely on Rohde & Schwarz monitoring receivers, radio direction finders and innovative DF antennas, since these components are highly renowned for their performance and reliability. They cover the frequency range from 8 kHz to 40 GHz and...
in over 70 countriesJJ Net revenue of € 1.4 billionJJ 7500 employeesJJ The privately owned company group has a global presence. It develops, produces and markets a wide range of electronic capital goods for industry, infrastructure operators and government agencies. Rohde & Schwarz numbers among....
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R&S®DDF007 series 无线电方位计 Rohde Schwarz R&S®ADMC8 多端口式耦合器 Rohde Schwar: R&S®M3SR FT213A 高通滤波器 Rohde Schwarz R&S®VD480L 射频放大器 Rohde Schwarz: R&S®FK2100/FK2100M 无线电发送器 Rohde Schwarz R&S®PR100 无线电接收器 Rohde Schwarz: R&S®GX460 无纸记录仪...