Fable Fury - A Cooperative Roguelike Boardgame Endless Misadventure Awaits you & up to 5 friends. Dodge goblin traps, slap orcs with pool noodles, master ‘Prolonged Stare’, and more! LATE PLEDGE 發起人: Fable Fury Studios 有4,582 名支持者認繳了$ 516,357,幫助此專案變為現實。
不过我们今天并不想细聊这款5年前的电子游戏,主要想说的是一款在Kickstarter上获得近三万名支持者,成功众筹了560多万美元的同名桌游——《暗黑地牢/Darkest Dungeon:The Board Game》。反其道行之,返璞归真 倘若放在20年前,将Roguelike改编成桌游这件事看起来似乎有点反其道而行之,因为Roguelike的最初的理念...
而哥特、幻觉、地牢、勇者、古神这种老套的题材,搭配全新游戏性的回合制Roguelike又让玩家对它欲罢不能。 不过我们今天并不想细聊这款5年前的电子游戏,主要想说的是一款在Kickstarter上获得近三万名支持者,成功众筹了560多万美元的同名桌游——《暗黑地牢/Darkest Dungeon:The Board Game》。 反其道行之,返璞归真...
不过我们今天并不想细聊这款5年前的电子游戏,主要想说的是一款在Kickstarter上获得近三万名支持者,成功众筹了560多万美元的同名桌游——《暗黑地牢/Darkest Dungeon:The Board Game》。 反其道行之,返璞归真 倘若放在20年前,将Roguelike改编成桌游这件事看起来似乎有点反其道而行之,因为Roguelike的最初的理念便是...
游戏应该类似桌游(board game)那样可以让你仔细思考自己的每一步行动。虽然柏林诠释中会要求具有“一致性”的“同步回合制”(没错这两条其实可以合并为一条),但回合制目前便已足够了。 由于永久后果的存在及对玩家规划与战术能力的要求,回合制是非常有必要的。Roguelike游戏不应该挑战玩家的反应速度,而应挑战玩家的...
Genres (Video game): Role-playing (RPG), Simulator, Strategy, Card & Board Game Publisher: Inti Creates Platform: PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 22 LoneStar 2024 4 votes Steam User Rating: 87.19% LoneStar is a strategic Roguelike spaceship co...
Each game of Shotgun King is divided into a series of 10 rounds played on a classic 8-by-8 chessboard. Blow away the opposing king and you’ll advance to the next board. However, the random element of this roguelike comes into play between rounds, where you’re forced to choose ...
HELLBRINGER is a SOLO-COOP Roguelike card game (1-4 players) where you, the hero, ventures into the darkness of the tomb to slay the mighty demon.
Ending is a single player turn based puzzle game about movement and death. Best played on iPhone 4 or newer. Recommended for people who like board games, chess and roguelikes. 2020-08-26 16:19:01 赞 回复 来自:豆瓣 加拿大死亡之路 Death Road to Canada 8.3 (217人评价) 类别: 游戏 ...
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