Combat Rogues can greatly benefit from WeakAuras. First of all, keeping up your Slice and Dice buff is arguably the most important part of playing a Rogue, and it is significantly easier when you have a WeakAura showing you its remaining duration, so you don’t have to constantly glance at...
You can find WeakAuras that suit your needs on It’s strongly recommended that you use WeakAuras; they’re a huge quality of life boost. While you may be tempted to use your old, familiar add-ons, Weakauras is the new ”add-ons” — there is almost nothing an addon can do...
Use AR on cool down and get a few weakauras - combo tracker, roll the bones, and slice and dice tracker. Helps visualize it for me. The RNG can be minimalized but sometimes it’s there…a lot less than you would think. Just keep spending points and reroll/vanish if the buffs aren’...
Showing everything by not locking Quartz and WeakAuras, its not always all there But can easily see all my important buffs and debuffs. My shortcuts are actually all placed like on my mouse, on the right its my mouse (Razer Naga 2014), exact same set up, on the left, same thing, ...
2 [怀旧服] DBM:首领警报 DBM首领警报主模块,包含当前版本的副本,不包含老团本和五人副本,需要的可以单独下载其他资料片的模块。 536,675,295 3 [经典旧世] DBM:首领警报 DBM首领警报主模块,包含当前版本的副本,不包含老团本和五人副本,需要的可以单独下载其他资料片的模块。 536,675,295 4 Details!:全能...
ConRO Rogue 潜行者 当前评分:48.5 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 72817 最后更新:2024-11-04 03:00 插件大小:11.39kb 最新版本号:v11.0.5 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:vae2009
Mythic raiding experienced is absolutely required. We have mandatory addons and WeakAuras that we expect all raiders to use. Discord is required, and a working mic is necessary. Attendance We are a guild of dedicated and ambitious players. Commitment to our raid times is mandatory. We’re inte...
• Have DBM/Bigwigs, AngryAssignments, and WeakAuras. • Sign up to raids on the in-game calendar. • Be on time for raid invites with consumables. Attendance: We are looking for competent and reliable raiders that can maintain a 90% attendance rate. We are all adults with lives out...
动作条 当前评分:155.7 功能说明更新日志历史版本安装说明 95857 最后更新:2023-02-18 21:00 插件大小:49.07kb 最新版本号:GSE3-izzi_Rogue 插件来源:curseforge 插件作者:torrenn2bits 基础指南 怀旧服问题汇总:插件、字体、防暂离等 字体字型修改教程
3 Exploited Media 此插件是一个媒体文件集合,可用于WeakAuras或其他插件中。 99999.9 4 [经典旧世]Ultra Hardcore 《Ultra Hardcore》——挑战型插件,专为寻求极致游戏体验的玩家设计。该插件通过增加游戏难度,提供一系列挑战,包括但不限于无复活、无任务追踪、限制物品使用等,旨在测试玩家的技能和策略。使用《Ultra...