A rogue wave is an isolated wave found in open water that is significantly larger than all surrounding waves. It is defined by its extreme amplitude or height, which means that the slope of the wave is very steep. They are also very short-term, often dissipating soon after they are forme...
As the waves are generated by winds across the ocean surface, one expects to see an increase of the average number of interfering waves, e.g., when wind directions change over a wide range or when turbulence sets in. The fact that rogue wave appearance is not simply correlated to the ...
“could we have become what we are now without a divestiture recommendation?” asks o’neil. it’s a rhetorical question. she’s a scientist, and does not believe in forecasting alternate realities. but probably no. adversity isn’t always so adverse. breakups aren’t that bad. people ...
The boat was head into the wind at east, and still bucking up and down in the steep wind waves that had the entire fetch of the bay to build. Rick looked at the deceptively close shore and said “I think I can make it”. I quickly killed that idea and said “we will at least w...
"I really enjoy your letters, both public and subscriber issues. You are without a doubt one of the top market analysts out there, especially when it comes to analyzing the geopolitical situation. Your September Letter is probably the best one I have read so far, extremely informative." ...
formed battalion in Canada at the time and the Regiment was asked if they would go. This operational duty, although it kept the Regiment out of the war for the first year, likely also kept it from being broken up by Colonel Sam Hughes to distribute its trained soldiers among the First ...