"The endless dark of the universe is yours, if you but reach out to take it. Yield nothing -- the void respects only strength." —Serren Travius, Rogue Trader Rogue Traders, originally called Rogue Traders Militant during the era of the Great Crusade and
Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay expands into new territory with Rogue Trader, a new roleplaying game experience set in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium. Ambition Knows No Bounds In Rogue Trader, you can explore the universe of Warhammer 40,000 like ne
During quests show your subjects mercy or disdain, stay faithful to the God-Emperor, or consort with enemies of Mankind - your every decision and every act, even in character creation, is changing the in-game open world and those who inhabit it. ...
Go ahead and equip your Rogue Trader with whatever you can (I use a sniper on mine so I'm glad I found one) and leave the pit altogether. Now, the entrance to the "Mangled Sector" where we need to go is in the southeastern corner of this main area. It was a dead end when we...
The Government wants to give Trading Standards powers to ask courts to provide compensation for people who are ripped off by rogue traders. Plans include forcing traders to pay individuals an agreed sum. It is also looking at proposals that would enable people to band together to make joint cas...
Taking on the role of a Rogue Trader – a blend of ship’s captain, spy, trade magnate, mercenary commander, and ruthless privateer – you travel the dangerous backwaters of the 40k galaxy in search of fortune and glory, Rogue Traders are enterprising explorers, with a hereditary mandate exp...
body politic,country,nation,res publica,commonwealth,state,land- a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nation's capitol"; "the country's largest manufacturer"; "an industrializ...
A rogue trader is a trader who acts recklessly and independently of others, usually to the detriment of the institution that employs the trader and perhaps clients. Rogue traders typically play with high-risk investments that can produce huge losses or gains. Rogue traders, though, are only labe...
After sinking the 233-year-oldBarings Bank, Leeson, who was portrayed by Ewan McGregor in the filmRogue Trader,served time in prison and beat cancer. Then he began a lucrative speaking career before teaching people how to trade and eventually joining Red Mist Enforcement Unit to sniff out the...
Baring Brothers & Co.: Technical Note on Rogue Trader Nicholas Leeson Nicholas Leeson was a rogue trader who reduced the value of the venerable Baring Brothers & Co (BB&Co) Bank from roughly $500 million dollars to $1.60. Leeson traded futures contracts in the Nikkei 225 and on Japanese Go...