A Rogue Trader's Arch-Militant armed with a bolter. All Rogue Traders are highly exceptional individuals who are driven to success beyond the dreams of the ordinary men and women of the Imperium even though these exceptional people often have extreme character quirks themselves; some destroy entire...
Blast! If I had known that a Rogue Trader game was starting I would have jumped on it (I have a character and everything too ) Oh well. I'll be watching this closely. With how much fun it looks, I am a little sad that I voted myself off the Space Cruiser. But I would never...
I spent a fair portion of yesterday going through all of the prefixes in game as well as the new ones added and documented every single prefix and what it does in a handy table with explanations on our wiki, for anyone interested in knowing the bonuses their race should have, check them ...
"The endless dark of the universe is yours, if you but reach out to take it. Yield nothing -- the void respects only strength." —Serren Travius, Rogue Trader Rogue Traders, originally called Rogue Traders Militant during the era of the Great Crusade and