Welcome to our WotLK Classic leveling guide for Rogues! Masters of stealth and deception, Rogues are known for suddenly appearing, employing skirmish strategies to kill a priority target, and vanishing just as quickly as they came. Rogues in WotLK Classi
What else do you recommend them doing to the class that is already the absolute GOAT at classic pvp? -3 Reply Mick 1 year ago Why no real Shadowstep, Cloak of Shadows, or FoK? Did anyone really fkin like being a Pirate in Legion? Who asked for Envenom?? I see other classes ...
Welcome to our PVP Subtlety Rogue guide for WoW WotLK. This guide will show you what you need to know to play the Rogue class as Subtlety. If you follow this build you should be king of the arena in no time. Talents This is the popular Subtlety PVP Build. It can be tweaked based ...
if (is_classic_exp) then spellid = spellname else --retail --REMOVE ON 10.0 if (spellid == SPELLID_KYRIAN_DRUID_DAMAGE) then local ownerTable = druid_kyrian_bounds[who_name] if (ownerTable) then who_serial, who_name, who_flags = unpack(ownerTable) end --REMOVE ON 10.0 if (spellid...
This toon is a WOTLK toon, and I haven’t played Rogue in 6 months on retail due to it being butchered. It’s not named the same, nor is it linked in any way to any of my toons to prevent griefing at 2500+ brackets by forum trolls. I ended S2 DF with Gladiator on Rogue, and...
The moment in Classic WoW history us diehard, loyal WoW nerds have all been waiting for. WRATH CLASSIC! Arthas Did Nothing Wrong (ADNW) has just begun recruiting (For WotLK Classic) hard-core, casual, rp, pvp, pve, raiders, anything you can think of, you are welcomed here. Although ...