Разгледайиграта Rogue Legacy 2 законзолаотофициалнияуебсайтна PlayStation. Прегледайфункции, новини, видеоклиповеиекранниснимкиза Rogue Legacy 2 и
Rogue Legacy is an engaging rogue-like action game where you control a family of characters, selecting a successor upon each death. The game offers a diverse range of characters with unique traits such as a barbarian with OCD, a visually impaired ninja, an assassin advocating for the marginaliz...
Rogue Legacy 2 è il risultato che si otterrebbe mischiando Rogue Legacy con un sequel. Ogni volta che muori, i tuoi eredi ti succederanno. Tua figlia potrebbe essere una ranger daltonica, e tuo figlio potrebbe essere un cuoco pacifista. Vada come vada,
One of the most exciting new features to Rogue Legacy 2 is the ability to pick up Relics, which are unique items that change how your run is played. Gain stat modifiers, complete special challenges, and even gain brand new abilities as you traverse the kingdom. But be careful, the more...
68 % 17 % 6 % 3 % 6 % Informationen zum Spiel und rechtliche Hinweise Rogue Legacy 2 ist ein Rogue-LITE-Erbschaftsspiel. Es hat alle Elemente eines typischen Rogue-like-Spiels, aber deine Verbesserungen und Erben bleiben bestehen. Dein Vermächtnis definiert dich. Gib deine Erbschaft ...
One of the most exciting new features to Rogue Legacy 2 is the ability to pick up Relics, which are unique items that change how your run is played. Gain stat modifiers, complete special challenges, and even gain brand new abilities as you traverse the kingdom. But be careful, the more...
Rogue Legacy 2 is what you'd get if you mashed Rogue Legacy and a sequel together. Every time you die, your children will succeed you. Your daughter might be a Colourblind Ranger, and your son could be a Pacifistic Chef. Either way, one of them is get
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