man as ever God created, the late Mr. GEORGEROGERS, of Southampton, who, in the prime of life, died deeply lamented by thousands, but by none more deeply than by me and my family, who have to thank him, and the whole of his excellent family, for benefits and marks of kindness......
1847 Heritage 9493 Large Silver Plated Serving Platter Tray H 2 in W 33 in D 19.5 in Vintage 1847 Rogers Brothers Silver Plate Hollow Handle Knives - Set of 4 H 0.75 in W 6.5 in D 0.5 in Eternally Yours by 1847 Rogers Silverplate Flatware Set for 12 Service 72 pcs H 12 in W 18 ...
I thought, me, too. The wonderment buoyed me all the way back to my campsite. That night, all I could think about was that beautiful silver ring that was the sun. It still remains in my mind’s eye.
cover from the Schildhauer flight; two 1931 Jan 24 first Pacific Coast shore to ship cacheted covers; 1931 June 12 first ship- to-shore transfer, nice 1935 shore-to-ship flight to USS Northampton; 1939 Crosby cover USS Pensacola with silver cachet 'ship-to-shore' via ship's plane', ...
Then Audrey’s parents metHitlerhimself at the Nazis’Brown Househeadquarters inMunich.A photo was taken of Ella in front of the Brown House, showing her with her friends Unity and Pam Mitford. Upon her return, Ella put the photo in a silver frame and displayed it proudly in her home. ...