Now Luffy, with the help of a motley collection of pirate wannabes, is setting off in search of the "One Piece," said to be the greatest treasure in the world! Roger and Rayleigh: In his effort to save Camie from being sold to the highest bidder, Luffy attackd an exalted Celestial ...
传说中‘海贼王’哥尔·D·罗杰在死前说出他留下了具有财富、名声、力量世界第一的宝藏“ONE PIECE”,许多人为了争夺“ONE PIECE”,争相出海,许多海贼开始树立霸权,而形成了“大海贼时代”。 "Pirate King" is the tail field glory eldest son the ultra human spirit cartoon which on serializes in "Weekly...
This One Piece Anime Figure Toy Set is the perfect choice. It's not just a toy; it's a piece of art that any One Piece enthusiast would cherish. The figures are suitable for display in homes, offices, or even as a centerpiece at anime-themed events. They're also a great way to ...
“Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets… There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there?How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at...
Marshall D. Teech is one of the most mysterious pirates in One Piece, about whom Oda has kept most of the information hidden.
This One Piece Anime Figure Toy Set is the perfect choice. It's not just a toy; it's a piece of art that any One Piece enthusiast would cherish. The figures are suitable for display in homes, offices, or even as a centerpiece at anime-themed events. They're also a great way to ...
Roger was in a town, and he had no friends here. His birthday was coming. He wanted to have a big party, but he was 1 that other kids would not come to his party. One week before the birthday party, Roger and his 2 went to Benny's Pizza Store. It had the best pizza in town...
Rogerwasnewintown,andhehadnofriendshere.Hisbirthdaywascoming.Hewantedtohave a bigparty,buthewas(1)___ thatotherkidswouldnotcometohisparty.Oneweekbeforethebirthdayparty,Rogerandhis(2)___ wenttoBenny'sPizzaStore.Ithadthebestpizzaintown.Rogerwanted a largepizza.He(3)___ itverymuch.Suddenly(突然...
ONE PIECE HEART PIRATES JOLLY ROGER METAL KEYCHAIN world fly their custom variants of the Jolly Rodger, and now you can choose from the many variants seen in the anime with these new metal keychains! Choose from the Jolly Rodger as flown by the....
ONE PIECE Original Package no Scale 1/60 Condition In-Stock Items Version Type Remastered Version Description Report Item product description One Piece BT Seated Rayleigh Pluto Rayleigh Bonfire Drinking Figure Model Ornament Statue Gift Sold by