Rough Inbetweeners: Walt Stanchfield, Bill Berg, Vincente Bassols, Mike Lyman, Jean-Luc Ballester, Casey Coffey, Wendie Lynn Fischer, Benjamin Gonzalez, Gontran Hoarau, Grant Hiestand, Nicolas Keramidas, Ely Lester, Michael Lester, Gary D. Payne, Kevin M. Smith, Wes Sullivan, Aliki Theofilopoul...
Juan de San Antonio,Bibliotheca Universa FranciscanaII, 444; C. Chaillot, `Les principales collections des conciles. Editions de Crabbe’,Revue du monde catholique16 (>>), 241-347; Dom H. Quentin,J.D. Mansi et les grandes collections conciliaires(Paris, 1900); D. Franses, `Petrus Crabbe...
Lina Gonzalez-Granados, Solti Conducting Apprentice, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Conducting Fellow with the Philadelphia Orchestra and the Seattle Symphony; Keitaro Harada, Music & Artistic Director of the Savannah Philharmonic and Associate Conductor of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra; Jonathon Heyward,Chief ...