The Ebert Fellows on True/False 2025 1 day ago Features How Ken Burns’ “Shadow Ball” Connects Baseball’s Past to Our Uncertain Future 1 day ago Features How the One-Take Approach of “Adolescence” Traps Us in Tragedy 2 days ago ...
Ivan Howe Movie ReviewsEric Kaiya Shunyata Edgar AndersonThe best movie reviews, in your inboxMovie Reviews Roger’s Greatest Movies All Reviews Cast and Crew Ebert Prime Sign Up Movie Genres Action Amazon Prime Comedy Documentary Drama Horror Hulu Mystery Netflix Romance Science Fiction ...
Roger Ebertpassed awayyesterday, leaving the world with years and years of movie reviews to remember him by. When Ebert liked a movie, he was well spoken, complimentary and often poignant. When he didn't like a movie, he was scathing, relentless and all around funny as hell. So we've ...
Gene Siskel was an American journalist and film critic for the Chicago Tribune who became one of the most-influential movie reviewers in the United States when he teamed up with fellow film critic Roger Ebert from the rival Chicago Sun-Times on a weekly
–A good example of Ebert’s willingness to keep an open mind comes from his review of Tom Green’s 2001 comedy “Freddy Got Fingered” of which he wrote one of his most scathing reviews: “This movie doesn’t scrape the bottom of the barrel. This movie isn’t the bottom of the barr...
Roger Ebert
Since Roger Ebert died I've been watching the tribute writers struggle to express his contribution. At The Atlantic, Christopher Orr rightly describes Ebert as a movie enthusiast, but here's the analysis that follows: "The movies he loved, he truly…“Raging Bull” is not a film about boxing but about a man with paralyzing jealousy and sexual insecurity, for whom being punished in the ring serves as confession, penance and absolution. It is no accident that the...
Praise from Roger Ebert was sometimes seen as the biggest win a movie could get. Conversely, when he hated a film, he didn't pull his punches.
The Gifted Movie ReviewsThere’s Something Wrong with the Children Brian Tallerico Composer Body at Brighton Rock Brian Tallerico Composer Southbound Simon Abrams ComposerThe best movie reviews, in your inboxMovie Reviews Roger’s Greatest Movies All Reviews Cast and Crew Ebert Prime ...