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华硕通过垂直堆栈的方式为ROG Strix X870-I配置两个M.2插槽,其中顶部M.2接口由南桥提供,支持PCIe 4...
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Install Asus ROG Strix for the greatest browsing experience. You are going to enjoy your browsing with your favorite Asus ROG Motherboard HD Theme and Wallpaper. HOW TO USE: - This Asus ROG Laptop Theme is so simple and just by clicking on Add to chrome – it will be added automatically...
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applies a live wallpaper designed to go along with the Lightning Armor case. The Neon Aero case doesn't have any of the fancy features that the Lightning Armor case offers. Instead, it's a simple bumper case in a neat orange color. The case provides minimal protection from bumps to the...
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