ROG Maximus Z790 Extreme bootloop after BIOS 1402 update 3,321 Views Ppsych Level 8 10-10-2023 12:38 PM Hello! Today I have updated my mobo from 1303 to 1402 BIOS using built-in Asus flash tool. After the initial reset my system got stuck in a bootloop showing...
适应硬件:ASUS华硕ROG MAXIMUS Z790 HERO EVA-02主板 驱动说明 ASUS华硕ROG MAXIMUS Z790 HERO EVA-02主板BIOS 1202版(2024年4月19日发布) 新版BIOS更新如下: 1、将主板的默认设定切换为Intel推荐的出厂设定,涵盖基本功能、功耗限制等,从而改进在特定游戏中的稳定性。
适应硬件:ASUS华硕ROG MAXIMUS Z790 APEX ENCORE主板 驱动说明 ASUS华硕ROG MAXIMUS Z790 APEX ENCORE主板BIOS 1202版(2024年4月19日发布) 新版BIOS更新如下: 1、将主板的默认设定切换为Intel推荐的出厂设定,涵盖基本功能、功耗限制等,从而改进在特定游戏中的稳定性。
找个u盘刷成fat格式,再把bios拷贝进去,然后插在bios的u盘接口,再刷试试,我的z790-a吹雪D5就是这么刷的,已经带上14700K了[比心] 1年前·天津 5 分享 回复 展开8条回复 龙眼儿 ... 从c盘分盘出来,格式化选32格式。文件解压进去。运行一下。然后就可以更新了。有可能是你硬盘格式不对。所以不管你放哪个盘...
update mrc version to before you use this version BIOS, make sure update ME FW first in windows 0036 BIOS: ROG Maximus Z790 Hero Beta BIOS 0032 ...
The ROG Maximus Z790 Extreme is the ultimate ally for Intel Raptor Lake, driving savage overclocks with its 24-stage power solution and superspeed DDR5 support.
Now the Logo Screen appears, KB is lit and remains lit while it sits at that screen and then finally starts to boot. This started immediately after the last bios update. i7-13700k / 64GB G-Skill Trident DDR5-6400 / Z790 Maximus Hero / ROG Strix RTX4090 / Samsung SSD 970 EVO Pl...
Updating this BIOS will simultaneously update the corresponding intel ME to version Please note after you update this BIOS, the ME version remains the updated one even if you roll back to an older BIOS later. Before running the USB BIOS Flashback tool, please rename the BIOS fi...
31 应该就只是修复了tvb算法 那人家没开tvb并且不稳定的估计升级bios也没啥区别了
华硕ROG Z79..到货后手贱更新了最新的0506版bios,结果cpu默频内存开xmp,玩一会儿pubg就死机,屏幕卡死没有任何反应,必须强制关机才行,要是cpu超点频进不去素质广场就会死机,试了两天都这样。刷回040