電腦周邊設備,一站購足就在華碩官方商城。ROG Falchion RX 矮軸 65% 精巧無線電競鍵盤,配備 ROG RX 光學矮軸、三模連線、ROG SpeedNova 無線技術、ROG Omni 接收器、保護套、矽膠消音泡棉、互動式觸控面板,並支援 MacOS。M603 FALCHION RX LP/RLRD/TW
ROG Falchion RX Low Profile 65% compact wireless gaming keyboard with ROG RX low-profile optical switches, tri-mode connection with ROG SpeedNova wireless technology and Omni Receiver, protective cover, integrated silicone dampening foam, interactive tou
The Asus ROG Falchion RX Low Profile is a fantastic deck that may just be the first of its kind to truly sell me on shorter keycap designs.
By now you can tell that I’m truly impressed with the ROG Falchion RX Low Profile keyboard, and I really am. Many keyboard makers are quick to show off the response time or the switches used in their keyboards, but the Falchion RX is the first time in a long while, where I see a...
前不久 CES 上展出的 ROG Falchion RX Low Profile键盘今天正式发布了,小巧纤薄,采用自研 ROG RX 超薄机械轴,还配备触摸屏,支持三模,是一把高性能无线游戏小键盘。 机身小巧纤薄,采用65%键位,采用铝合金材质打造,最厚处只有26.5mm。 有意思的是顶部,还有触摸屏和RGB灯效装饰,手指轻按会自动发光,这里可以左右滑...
ASUS华硕ROG Falchion RX Low Profile无线游戏键盘三模式连接背光支持macOS Windows 白色 三模图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
The Asus ROG Falchion RX Low Profile mechanical keyboard successfully conquers both work and play departments. The low-profile optical switches and dual-layer sound dampening make this a silent and effective keyboard. The 1000Hz polling rate and fast 2.4GHz connectivity are ideal for gaming, plus ...
ROG Falchion RX Low Profile 65% compact wireless gaming keyboard with ROG RX low-profile optical switches, tri-mode connection with ROG SpeedNova wireless technology and Omni Receiver, protective cover, integrated silicone dampening foam, interactive touch panel, and macOS...
华硕发布 ROG Falchion RX Low Profile 迷你机械键盘、超薄轴、带触摸屏 键艺师 6 6 轴体再升级,樱桃MX2A银轴,杜伽K615W雾蓝97键机械键盘测评 科技数码秀 0 2 相关商品 RAZER 雷蛇 黑寡妇蜘蛛V4无线专业版75% 81键 蓝牙,有线,无线键盘 雷蛇第三代触感橙轴 ARGB1999元起 SKN 青龙4.0 三模机械键盘 云 TTC...
若是有些客户,ROG FALCHION RX LOW PROFILE 键盘与接收器之间出现断连,或者是需要重新与接收器进行配对,可以通过如下方式进行: 1.进入 Armourycrate以后,点击进入到 ROG Omni RECEIVER 设备,如下图所示: 2 .进入到 ROG Omni RECEIVER 以后,点击右下方的键盘+,进行配对,如下图所示: ...