香港No.1電競品牌ROG正式發佈手提遊戲機ROG Ally,搭載Windows 11作業系統及採用先進的AMD Ryzen™ Z1系列APU,玩家能隨時隨地以1080p 120Hz畫質暢玩3A遊戲大作。結合了業內強大夥伴的支持,ROG將帶給玩家們無與倫比的遊戲體驗。
To umožňuje ROG Ally streamovat videa, přistupovat k herním cloudovým službám a snadno stahovat hry i v přeplněných sítích. Streamování videa Hraní v clouduVše máte pod kontrolou Levý joystick Směrová tlačítka Zvukové reproduktory Mikrofony Tlačítko Zobraz...
作为升级双C口后,个人最期待的功能之一,就是一线连便携显示器了,百瓦供电器给ALLY X供电,ALLY X给便携显示器供电,加上X的大喇叭,在床上或者沙发上直接插个便携显示器用(我相信很多人试过在床上用笔记本玩,个中滋味是吧?并不是什么好解法。本来我这里是用mini pc的,但要额外开一对喇叭很麻烦,为什么不用电...
Thanks to ASUS for sponsoring this video. Second Channel Twitter Instagram Livestream Facebook 00:00 ROG ...
Recently my ROG Ally refuses to sleep. When I check powercfg requests, I see that AMD 'whatever output device' is generating 'An audio stream is currently in use' preventing the sleep. As far as I am aware I have not installed anything new recently, just suddenly started happening! Any ...
But if you're PC gamer who can't sit still, you usually have to invest in an expensive gaming laptop. Now you can get your hands on the new Asus ROG Ally RC 71L handheld gaming system. It runs Windows 11 Home and supports services like Stream and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. The ...
While I don't usually use my ASUS ROG Ally to live stream, I mostly love using it as a gaming device when I'm away from the TV. Using the ASUS ROG Ally as a full-on PC that can stream your gameplay is completely viable, too. I've enjoyed my ROG Ally Z1 non-extreme, and whi...
The Ally was built to travel, so it comes equipped with ultra-fast Wi-Fi 6E networking. Wi-Fi 6E supports 4X more network capacity and 75% lower latency than Wi-Fi 6, letting the Ally stream videos, access cloud gaming services, and download games effortlessly even on crowded networks. ...
The Ally was built to travel, so it comes equipped with ultra-fast Wi-Fi 6E networking. Wi-Fi 6E supports 4X more network capacity and 75% lower latency than Wi-Fi 6, letting the Ally stream videos, access cloud gaming services, and download games effortlessly even on crowded networks. ...
The Ally was built to travel, so it comes equipped with ultra-fast Wi-Fi 6E networking. Wi-Fi 6E supports 4X more network capacity and 75% lower latency than Wi-Fi 6, letting the Ally stream videos, access cloud gaming services, and download games effortlessly even on crowded networks. ...