Examples of ROFL used in texting: 1. Friend 1: Did you see that hilarious TikTok video I sent you? Friend 2: Yes! I was ROFL-ing the entire time! 2. Person A: I just tripped and fell in front of everyone at the grocery store. ...
What is IMO’s meaning? There are the various meanings of IMO. IMO commonly used for In My Opinion in texting but the literal meaning for IMO is International Mathematics Olympiad. Some of the other IMOs are:IMO – In My Opinion IMO – International Maritime Organization IMO – International...
Example of ROFLMBFAO used in texting: 1. "OMG, did you see that video of the cat jumping and missing the ledge? ROFLMBFAO!" 2. "My friend just told me the funniest joke, I'm still ROFLMBFAO!" 3. "I just watched a comedy show and couldn't stop ROFLMBFAO throughout the whole...
Examples of ROFL&PMP used in texting: 1. Friend 1: Did you hear the joke about the peanut butter? Friend 2: No, what is it? Friend 1: I can't tell you, you might spread it! Friend 2: ROFL&PMP! 2. Mom: I tried to make homemade donuts today, but they turned out like rock...
intense laughter and amusement in response to something that was shared in a conversation or online. The abbreviation is often used when messages are exchanged between friends or family members who share a fun and light-hearted relationship. Here are three examples of ROFLMAOOL used in texting: ...
OMGROFLMAO is an abbreviation commonly used in texting and social media conversations. It stands for "Oh My God Roll On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off", and is a way of expressing immense joy and amusement. It is used as an exaggerated show of excitement and laughter at something funny or...
Example of ROFLMAOAPIMP used in texting: 1. Friend 1: Did you see that video of the baby laughing at his dad's silly faces? Friend 2: Yes! ROFLMAOAPIMP! 😂💦 2. Person 1: You won't believe what happened to me at work today!
Example of ROFLMAOPMP used in texting: 1. Friend 1: Have you watched the latest episode of our favorite comedy series? Friend 2: No, not yet. Why? Friend 1: You're missing out on the funniest scene! ROFLMAOPMP! 2. Friend 1: Remember that time when we got lost in the woods durin...
Definition & Meaning of "ROFLMHO"What does roflmho mean? View the definition of roflmho and all related slang terms containing roflmho below: roflmho : Rolling on the floor laughing my head offUsage of ROFLMHOThe abbreviation ROFLMHO is a common abbreviation used in texting and online ...
Example of ROFLMIAHA used in texting: 1. I just watched a video of a baby laughing uncontrollably for five minutes straight, and I'm ROFLMIAHA! 2. Did you see the meme about the cat who tried to catch a pigeon but ran into a glass door instead? ROFLMIAHA! 3. My friend just tol...