--no-build-librocmllvm Do not build the librocmllvm shared object. --no-api-docs Temporarily move the 'rocm-llvm-python/docs/python_api' subfolder so that sphinx does not see it. --no-clean-docs Do not generate docs from scratch, i.e. don't run sphinx with -E switch. --run-...
This repo is a mirror of upstream https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project . Every three hours the main branch is mirrored from upstream. Please do not create pull requests on main, use branch amd-trunk-dev - ROCm-Developer-Tools/llvm-project
Set LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD to LoongArch Disable runtime including libunwind to workaround the error: CMake Error at /build/rocm-llvm/src/rocm-llvm/libunwind/src/CMakeLists.txt:102 (message): Compile...
.github Remove Simon from CODEOWNERS (#1702) Dec 5, 2024 cmake Setup CMAKE_MODULE_PATH when LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX is used (#1647) Sep 24, 2024 external [6.4]fix compilation with HIP SDK 6.3 for Windows (#1742) Feb 27, 2025 mlir ...
Steps To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: build rocm-llvm-compiler-rt-6.0.2 Build log Build Log https://gist.github.com/khaneliman/acf34e7bb077d02e97ea5d1178ac32c5 Additional context Related: #368672 and #367695 Metadata Notify...
HIP/CLR can be built as a static library, users need to add more options in cmake command, -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF and -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/rocm/;/opt/rocm/llvm.For detail instructions, please refer to how to build HIP
Note, if ROCm is installed at the default location, then LLVM_PATH must be set to /opt/rocm/llvm. Add “-I /llvm/lib/clang/13.0.0/include/” to compiler options in the call to hiprtcCompileProgram (). Note, this workaround requires the following changes in the code: // set NUM_...
Steps to reproduce nix build github:nixos/nixos-unstable#rocmPackages.llvm.libcxx or hardware.amdgpu.opencl.enable = true Can Hydra reproduce this build failure? Yes, Hydra can reproduce this build failure. Link to Hydra build job https://hydra.nixos.org/build/286037127 ...
addpatch: rocm-llvm, ver=6.2.4-1 (#439) Browse files * Set `LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD` to LoongArch * Disable runtime including libunwind to workaround the error: ``` CMake Error at /build/rocm-llvm/src/rocm-llvm/libunwind/src/CMakeLists.txt:102 (message): Compiler doesn't support ...
--no-build-librocmllvm Do not build the librocmllvm shared object. --no-api-docs Temporarily move the 'rocm-llvm-python/docs/python_api' subfolder so that sphinx does not see it. --no-clean-docs Do not generate docs from scratch, i.e. don't run sphinx with -E switch. --run-...