and Best Writing. Rocky won the Oscar for best picture. Rocky’s Oscar win was somewhat of an underdog story itself. A critic says, “Rocky was the underdog—the low-budget movie that could.”4 This quote sum up how most movie directors and reviewers feel about how well Rocky did agai...
“You’ve GOT to be kidding,” said Rocky, thinking that Trophy Wife’s frequent caveats about Bad Hair Days had finally hit home. (Rocky failed to imagine the dire consequences of a Scunci that goes “snap” — somewhere between reading comprehension and vocabulary. Would Daughter suddenly be...
Over 73,000hits- and counting - on this little Web site. Onlyone hit PER DAYper person is tallied, so we are getting a lot of traffic, a lot of email, and more participation than you know. It all started in July 2009, so we areaveraging over 900 hits a month since it all began!
During the whole week, we kept our eye onHurricane Beryl. As the end of the week approached, we saw the forecasts revised multiple times with each update moving the hurricane evermore eastward toward Texas and up the Gulf Coast. By Sunday, we knew it was going to hit Houston. We began ...
As I was sitting in the emergency room of the local hospital the other night, it hit me. I was wearing a Rockies jacket and if this was a sampling of the local Colorado population, then the Rockies were not getting any support and frankly it gets me po’d. Yeah, just another day in...
It's crazy that they really pulled it off. It shows us where Apple stands today, amazing. But Apple is getting too cocky for its own good I think. It might hit back soon if they don't soften up and care about "the crazy ones" again. Now that an unlocked iPhone costs more ...
The film was an adaptation of writer/actor Richard O’Brien’s hit stage show that began in London in 1973. The show also played Los Angeles with Tim Curry starring with a mostly American cast, including singer Meat Loaf as Eddie. The play opened on Broadway shortly before the film version...
Dani, on the other hand, sitting in the middle seat, was left with the unknown of who might plop down beside her. She hit the jackpot. An old dude who had the gift of gab. Within ten minutes he had told her his life story and showed her about five hundred pictures on his phone....
Is the question getting annoying for you? It’s really irrelevant. Fuck annoying, it’s irrelevant. Put that in there. Quote: “Fuck annoying, it’s irrelevant.” What do you see as the biggest difference between your two crews?
“It’s my definitive statement in regards to the incredible pay-back I’ve received for having the nerve to talk about the things that I did in the past few years with my ‘Sex’ book and my record. It’s getting it off my chest. It is defensive, absolutely. But it’s also ...