Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a rickettsial disease that occurs in dogs and humans. 犬落基山斑疹热是一种人犬共患的立次体病。 声明:以上例句、词性分类均由互联网资源自动生成,部分未经过人工审核,其表达内容表本软件的观点;若发现问题,欢迎向我们指正。显示所有包含 Rocky Mountain spotted fever 的英语例句...
2011. Outbreak of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in Cordoba, Colombia. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 106 (1): 117-118.M. Hidalgo, J. Miranda, D. Heredia et al., "Outbreak of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in Cordoba, Colombia," Memo´rias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, vol. 106, no. 1, pp....
1.Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a rickettsial disease that occurs in dogs and humans. 落基山斑疹热是一共患的立次体病。 声:例句、词性分类均由互联网资源自动生成,部分未经过工审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件的观点;若发现问题,欢迎向我们指正。显示所有包含 Rocky Mountain spotted fever 的英语例句 用户...
Rocky Mountain spotted fever 黑色热,蜱热 rocky mountain spotted fever n.【病理学】落基山热,落基山斑疹热 落基山斑疹热(斑疹热、蜱传热、蜱传斑疹伤寒)是由立氏立克次体 (Rickettsia) 引起,由硬蜱传播的疾病。 Rocky Mountain fever 落基山热 Rocky Moutain spotted fever 黑色热 rocky mountain jay phr...
rocky mountain spotted fever 读音:美英 rocky mountain spotted fever基本解释 洛矶山斑疹热;洛基山斑疹热;落基山斑疹热;落矶山斑疹热;落矶山斑点热 分词解释 rocky多岩石的 mountain山,山岳 spotted有斑点的 fever发热,发烧
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is the most frequently reported rickettsial disease in the United States. The South Atlantic states, especially North Carolina, have the highest incidence of reported cases. The causative organism is Rickettsia rickettsii, a small intracellular gram-negative bacillus....
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning travelers to Baja California, Mexico, about Rocky Mountain spotted fever, a potentially fatal bacterial disease that spreads through the bite of an infected brown dog tick, which can be carried by pets. ...
Rocky Mountain spotted feveris characterized by sudden high fever,headache, muscle aches, and a spotted rash. It is caused by the intracellularRickettsia rickettsii. Few cases have occurred in this province[1], and most have likely been imported from the United States. Citations of infection date...
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of an infected tick. It occurs most often between April and September, when ticks are most active. RMSF can become life-threatening without treatment.What increases my risk for RMSF?
英文: The First Isolation and Identification of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiae in Guangdong Province中文: 广东省首次分离斑点热群立克次体 英文: In the morning, we will pass the Rocky Mountain to arrive at Carlsbad Cavern.中文: 早晨乘车横跨落基山脉,到达被称为世界最大、最深之一的加士柏大钟乳石洞...