podman#jellyfin#version: "3" services: jellyfin: image: jellyfin/jellyfin container_name: jellyfin stdin_open: true tty: true restart: always ports: - 8805:8096 volumes: - ./config:/config:z - ./cache:/cache:z - /export/data:/media:z privileged: true ...
sudo yum remove docker \ docker-client \ docker-client-latest \ docker-common \ docker-latest \ docker-latest-logrotate \ docker-logrotate \ docker-engine \ podman \ runc 3. 方法一:从仓库安装 3.1. 建立仓库 sudo yum update sudo yum install -y yum-utils sudo yum-config-manager \ --add-...
shell 复制 #RockyLinux 9.1 安装docker-ce#安装yum-utilsdnfinstallyum-utils-y#添加docker仓库dnf config-manager\--add-repo\https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo#安装最新版本的docker#安装docker包括:docker Engine, containerd, and Docker Composednfinstalldocker-ce docker-ce-cli contain...
Docker Composeis a tool that can be used to define and run multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application’s services. Then, using a single command, you can create and start all the services from your configuration. We can install Dock...
第一步,添加源Rocky linux 使用podman 代替docker,先下载docker源1、下载docker repoyum config-manager --add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo2、更新yum update3、安装dockeryum install -y docker-ce  docker linux centos Rocky linux 安装docker 原创 502077511 2023-10-...
其中,第一行Install Rocky Linux 8的作用是安装Rocky 8系统。第二行Test this media & install Rocky Linux 8,是先检测安装镜像文件的可用性,然后再安装Rocky 8。第三行Troubleshooting用于处理一些故障问题,选择这一项,会进入一个内存操作系统,然后可以把磁盘上的系统挂载到这个内存操作系统上,这样方便我们去处理...
Step 2: Installing phpMyAdmin on CentOS and Rocky Linux To install phpMyAdmin on CentOS and Rocky Linux, enter this command: sudo yum install phpmyadminCopy Thepackage manageralso installs any requireddependencies. Confirm the installation withyand wait for the installation to complete. ...
Rocky Linux Desktop GNOME Tweaks Open the terminal and run: sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool //let's you customize your desktop layout. Setting up Pop Shell Pop Shell is a keyboard-driven layer for GNOME Shell which allows for quick and sensible navigation and management of windows. The ...
1) Remove Podman and Buildah 2) Add Docker Repository 3) Install Docker on RHEL 8 | Rocky Linux 8 4) Add Local User to Docker Group 5) Test Docker Installation Remove Docker Installing Docker on RHEL 8 | Rocky Linux 8 Without any further delay, let’s jump into the steps. Login to ...
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