You can also use YAML formatting within an actual file. A reason for doing this might be that the beginning heading of the file is so long, that it just doesn't display well in the navigation section. As an example, take this document heading "# mod_ssl on Rocky Linux in an httpd A...
@rocky_linux @RockyLinux PinnedLoading peridotperidotPublic Cloud-native build and release tools tailored to building, releasing and maintaining Linux distributions and forks Go15232 rockylinux.orgrockylinux.orgPublic The official website of the Rocky Linux project. ...
Rocky Linux Desktop GNOME Tweaks Open the terminal and run: sudo dnf install gnome-tweak-tool //let's you customize your desktop layout. Setting up Pop Shell Pop Shell is a keyboard-driven layer for GNOME Shell which allows for quick and sensible navigation and management of windows. The ...
Learnmore about the contestand stand a chance to win bysharing your thoughts below! epel-release Reply epel-release.noarch : Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository configuration –nothing provides module(perl:5.26) needed by module perl-DBI:1.641:8010020191113222731:16b3ab4d-0.x86_64 Install...
Within30 minutesyou will be monitoring your local machine, no advanced installation procedure only basic installation that will work100%on most of today’s Linux servers. Please Note: The installation instructions shown here are written based on theRHEL 9.0Linux distribution. ...
This is the Packer kickstart file/var/ftp/pub/pxe/rocky9-packer-ks.cfgthat I use for my Rocky Linux 9 Kubernetes servers (a 32GB disk required). #version=RHEL9 # This file was generated using the Kickstart Generator page, see below: ...
Repository files navigation README MIT license Infrastructure Wiki @TODO - fill in :) Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment Actions Runner executes workflow to publish to on push to main.About Infrastructure Wiki Resources Readme License MIT lice... database desktop dns email file_sharing git git_wf_git-...
epel-release.noarch : Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository configuration –nothing provides module(perl:5.26) needed by module perl-DBI:1.641:8010020191113222731:16b3ab4d-0.x86_64 Installed Packages Name : epel-release Version : 8
epel-release.noarch : Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository configuration [root@mail mnt]# yum info epel-release –nothing provides module(perl:5.26) needed by module perl-DBI:1.641:8010020191113222731:16b3ab4d-0.x86_64 Installed Packages ...