老师,我用rocky linux 9.3系统自带的software软件更新了一下,然后就出现了如图所示问题,该如何解决呢...
Additional software for Selected Environment: Selecting a Base Environment on the left side presents a variety of related additional software that can be installed for the given environment on the right side. Please note that this is only applicable if you were installing from a full Rocky Linux ...
Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at:https://gitlab.com/89luca89/distrobox
You can have a look at these resources for additional information: 可以参考以下额外的资源信息: The Packer website 01.帕克官方站点。 Packer documentation 02.帕克官方文档。 The builder vsphere-iso's documentation 03.构建器 v-i 文档。 (2)安装帕克 - Installing Packer¶ There are two ways of ...
Rocky Linux does not start after migrate2linux (sysroot on software RAID 1) #163 openedFeb 25, 2022byandreabravetti 10 Curl Error because of blocked URL on firewall... #161 openedFeb 17, 2022byjpedroza2k22 1 migration failure with MLNX_OFED_LINUX 4.9 (LTS) installed ...
如何在 Rocky Linux 上安装 Apache Kafka? ApacheKafka是一种分布式数据存储,用于实时处理流数据,它由 Apache Software Foundation 开发,使用Java和 Scala 编写,Apache Kafka 用于构建实时流式数据管道和适应数据流的应用程序,特别适用于企业级应用程序和关键任务应用程序,它是最受欢迎的数据流平台之一,被数千家公司用于...
There are tons of additional features and commands, if you use SVM for things other than mirroring. In that case you might want to look at check out Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide 2009-11-27 22:40 Linux multipathing I use MPxIO in Solaris quite often and it works very well...
4Additional Microsoft Edge Commands 5Conclusion Method 1: Install Microsoft Edge via Microsoft’s RPM Update Rocky Linux Before Microsoft Edge Installation As a precautionary measure, running an update on your system before installing the Edge browser is important. This will ensure that all packages ...
To add a Linux VM to the Windows domain, run the following command: sudo realm join -U user --client-software=winbind REALM <!--NeedCopy--> Tip: For the Linux VMs running on Amazon Linux 2, you can also use the following command to add them to the Wi...
这里注意,我们需要将json文件下载到“浏览器所在的机器上”,因为json模板是需要通过浏览器上传的,所以这里不要下载到Linux服务器上,而是需要下载到咱们打开Web所用的机器上。 2)配置模板: 点击目录-->Dashboards-->New右侧的展开符号-->Import-->Upload dashboard JSON file,将下载的json文件导入。导入后,可以...