- NFS Server - NFS Client 在NFS Server上: 共享目录:/nfspool NFS 运行用户:nfsnobody # mkdir /nfspool # vi /etc/exports /nfspool,async,anonuid=65534,anongid=65534) # mkdir -p /nfspool # chown nfsn NFS 是一个不错的共享存储系统,不过就是在高负载情况下...
subtree_check(默认):若输出目录是一个子目录,则nfs服务器将检查其父目录的权限。 no_subtree_check :即使输出目录是一个子目录,nfs服务器也不检查其父目录的权限,这样可以提高效率。 systemctl--now enable rpcbind nfs-serverfirewall-cmd--add-service=nfs --permanentfirewall-cmd--add-service=mountd --pe...
[root@node100 ~]## 设为自启动并启动服务[root@node100 ~]# systemctl enable --now nfs-serverCreated symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nfs-server.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service. [root@node100 ~]#[root@node100 ~]# systemctl status nfs-server● nf...
yum -y install nfs-utils echo "/nfs/data/ *(insecure,rw,sync,no_root_squash)" > /etc/exports [master] mkdir -p /nfs/data/ chmod 777 -R /nfs/data/ systemctl enable rpcbind systemctl enable nfs-server systemctl start rpcbind systemctl start nfs-server exportfs -v 1. 2. 3. 4. 5...
sudo systemctl start rpcbind sudo systemctl enable rpcbind sudo systemctl start nfs-server sudo systemctl enable nfs-server 验证NFS服务 您可以使用showmount命令来验证NFS服务是否正在运行并正确导出共享目录: bash showmount -e localhost 或者,如果您想查看所有导出的共享目录及其访问权限,可以在NFS服务器上...
XFS现在支持直接访问 (DAX) 操作,允许直接访问字节可寻址的持久内存,有助于避免使用传统块I/O约定的延迟。NFS引入了“eager write”挂载选项来帮助减少延迟。 语言运行时和工具 Rocky Linux 9 引入了最新的运行时和编译器,包括 GCC 11.2.1、LLVM (13.0.1)、Rust (1.58.1) 和 Go (1.17.1)。
[sms](*\#*) systemctl enable nfs-server # Create NFS client mounts of /home and /opt/ohpc/pub on compute hosts [sms](*\#*) nodeshell compute echo \ "\""${sms_ip}:/home /home nfs nfsvers=3,nodev,nosuid 0 0"\"" \>\> /etc/fstab [sms](*\#*) nodeshell compute echo \...
centos-release-nfv 提供建立在 RHEL 9 buildroots 上的内容。 Container Universal Base Image rockylinux/rockylinux:9-ubi 已更改,更类似于 RHEL UBI 映像,主要改动: 替换包: libcurl -> curl-minimal , libcurl-minimal 添加包: gdb-gdbserver , gzip ...
nfsrahead, a tool to configure the readahead for NFS mounts, was added. Intel Arc GPU support has been added. The infamous Flatpak bug that breaks all fonts in applications using the default font (Cantarell) has been fixed! Wireguard once again works with SELinux enabled. A more complete ...