如果您最近通过Epic游戏商城购买了 Rockstar 游戏,但在访问时遇到问题,请按照将 Epic Games 账户关联到 Rockstar Games 账户一文中的步骤,确保您的 Epic Games 账户和 Rockstar Games 账户已正确关联。 您若有任何关于 Epic Games 启动器或 Epic 账户的其他问题,请联系我们。
To unlink your Rockstar account from your Epic Games account, you must contact the support team of Rockstar as they are the only ones who can assist. (The Epic support team is unable to make such changes.) To contact the support team of Rockstar v...
epicr星账号换绑方法 epic换绑r星账号图文步骤 一、保证网络环境稳定: 在进行任何操作之前,稳定的网络环境至关重要。 建议使用如“奇游加速工具”等网络优化工具,确保Epic Games平台的访问速度及游戏下载速度达到最佳状态。 在奇游加速工具中,搜索“Epic Games”并进行加速设置,即可享受更流畅的网络体验。 二、解绑及重...
Rockstar G..我把Rockstar Games Launcher卸载重装,然后去R星官网注册了个账号。而后把账号与EPIC做了绑定。然后再在EPIC进游戏就可以了,这中间没有开加速器。当然我也不知道这过程,那个步骤
Since the latest update of the Rockstar launcher, these steps are needed to run games like GTAV or RDR2: Download the custom EpicGamesLauncher.exe file from https://github.com/Etaash-mathamsetty/heroic-epic-integration/releases (this is NOT the real Epic Games Launcher, it's just a wrapp...
R星想必爱好玩游戏的小伙伴都不会陌生吧,这个处诡异许许多多的经典的游戏开发商终于推出了一款主语自己的游戏资讯平台——《Rockstar Games Launcher》!不仅有着久负盛名的侠盗猎车手、荒野大镖客系列,更有许多的新游等待着大家的体验!感兴趣的小伙伴赶快来下载体验吧!
Rockstar Games Support was awesome! They helped me with my problem and I provided feedback to help with Epic games / Rockstar games connecting. If anyone is having athuntenication issues. Try another clean install and make sure all folder have been deleted. Reinstall and put in the folder...
Epic买的,9点后安装运行到Rockstar Games Launche时各种出错,最后关360,关UU。竟然正常进入游戏了。玩...