YupRocks.com is dedicated to providing enjoyable and educational rock and mineral pictures, fossil pictures, and earthquake pictures. Mineral pictures range from the basic rock types to crystals and gem stones, and are displayed for educational purposes (mineral identification) as well as for aestheti...
We are trying to collect photographs of rocks all around the world and as much information as possible about them: age, origin, description, composition... Rocks are closely related to minerals, as we usually find them forming rocks or growing on their surfaces and cavities. We intend to mak...
However, if you run into a live seller of minerals who is being cruel, promoting drama, exposing deeply personal and unfavorable public life, maybe you might want to hold your support for that seller. There are dozens upon dozens of pleasant, happy, joyful, educational sellers out there who ...
Some will cover topics related to field identification of rocks and minerals. There are lots of options in this department! Pough’s Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals has long been a favorite of rockhounds. The author also recommends Sorrell’s Golden Guide to Field Identification of Rocks and...
Moon rocks are made up of various minerals, just like rocks on Earth. They contain minerals such as plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene, olivine, and ilmenite. The moon is predominantly an igneous rock. Some moon rocks also have tiny glass beads called agglutinates, formed by the intense heat and...
This book is for geoscience students taking introductory or intermediate-level courses in igneous petrology, to help develop key skills (and confidence) in identifying igneous minerals, interpreting and allocating appropriate names to unknown rocks presented to them. The book thus serves, uniquely, both...
This book is for geoscience students taking introductory or intermediate-level courses in igneous petrology, to help develop key skills (and confidence) in identifying igneous minerals, interpreting and allocating appropriate names to unknown rocks presented to them. The book thus serves, uniquely, both...
I have a funRocks and Minerals Collection kitthat I found on Amazon to help my kids learn even more about rocks. It came with over 150 pieces and 30 different types of ricks and minerals to identify. There is an identification chart to help kids learn them and sort them. It’s an awe...
There is a whole group of internet dealers who sell minerals via live video who literally create a Cult of Personality, where customers and fans follow them as pseudo celebrities. These parasocial relationships are fueled by the drama, the group hate and the nature of “who knows what they ...