此外,羅克漢普頓周圍有多個公園,如Curtis Park、Connolly Park、Frank Forde Park、O'Shanesy Park、Bolton Park、Kettle Park和Saleyard Park等,這些公園提供了廣闊的綠地與休閒設施,適合家庭聚會、野餐或運動。您可以在這些公園中漫步,享受大自然的靜謐,或與朋友一同進行各種戶外活動。若您想要...
Leichhardt Hotel 4 od 5 zvezdic Corner Denham & Bolsover Streets, mestni center Rockhampton, Rockhampton, Avstralija, 4700-ODPRI ZEMLJEVID Parkirišče in Wi-Fi sta vedno brezplačna, tako da lahko ostanete v stiku ter prihajate in odhajate po želji. Ta namestitev na priročni...
He also took a prominent part in July of the same year in the formation of an Association for the Preservation of Native Game of the Colony. Here, too, it may be mentioned that among his effects at the sale of his estate after his death was a pheasant house. This is the first ...