--/58° 54% Monday AM Rain 68°/61° 70% Tuesday Showers 66°/40° 51% Wednesday Mostly Sunny 56°/39° 7% Thursday Mostly Sunny 58°/33° 7% hourly forecast time description temp precip humidity wind 12:00 AM Mon, Nov 4 Mostly Cloudy 59° 11% 94% S 7 mph 1:00 AM Mon, No...
- Weather alerts - Current conditions - Hourly forecast - 7-day forecast - Interactive radar map - Submit your photos or video of local weather - Closings - Regional Forecasts for territories in the WTVO-TV and WQRF-TV viewing area
- Weather alerts - Current conditions - Hourly forecast - 7-day forecast - Interactive radar map - Submit your photos or video of local weather - Closings - Regional Forecasts for territories in the WTVO-TV and WQRF-TV viewing area - Updated weather information provided by the First Warn Wea...