Rocket Phonics 2 用户指南说明书 Reading Planet Rocket Phonics Parent Guide 1
That's where mnemonics come in. Basically, mnemonics involve telling yourself a fun, goofy or memorable story, song, or rhyme to associate with a particular word. For example, one trick for memorizing the words "esta," "estas," "esa," and "esas" (this,these,that, andthose) in Spanish...
It's designed to help you to really focus on the individual components of Japanese. The Arguelles' Scriptorium Technique involves three basic exercises: Read a sentence out loud. Say each word aloud again as you write it. Read the sentence aloud as you have written in. The purpose of this...
A free trial of the online Arabic course: Rocket Arabic 1. Start with Sounds Now that you've decided to learn Arabic, it's time to dig into the language learning process. But where should you even begin? The answer is simple: sounds. Learning how to hear, pronounce and recognize writte...
Unlike English, the consistency between written and spoken Italian is rather high, which means that learning how to write and read in Italian guarantees that you’ll be able to master the spoken language. It’s still a good idea to get familiar with Italian sounds before moving forward to th...
This may feel silly at first, but its results will amaze you. By speaking out loud as soon as you hear Korean sounds, you're developing a sense of how the language is structured and sounds, even if you don't understand everything that's being said. Don't worry if you can't catch...