Soundtrack packs include music files of songs from the game to be played outside Rocket League.They are not used inside the game. These will instead feature songs from the game as music files for you to listen to outside of the game. You will find these files in...
注意: Rocket League: Official Game Soundtrack 已在 Steam 停售。 关于此内容 Sit back and enjoy the original 11 songs that launched with the insane driving-meets-soccer video game, Rocket League®! 曲目列表 1 Mike Ault - Rocket League Theme 1:28 2 Mike Ault - Angel Wings (fe...
Important:Soundtrack packs sold on the Epic Games Store are NOT Player Anthems and are NOT used inside the game. These will instead feature songs from the game as music files to listen to outside of the game. The files can be found in the Rocket League installat...
Soon, you'll be able to tap into Rocket League's ever-growing soundtrack and play your favorite music in the Arena when you score a goal with this new customization option. There's a lot to talk about when it comes to new Player Anthems, so stay tuned for more info tomorrow. An ent...
Nintendo SwitchPCPS4Rocket LeagueXbox Read Full Story >> - Comments (2) TopNewestOldest ZeroX98762562d ago awesome! loved the first soundtrack collaboration :) hoping to see HyperPotion and Nitrofun songs :D
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A: Yes! Users can select between the original Japanese and the new English dub. This setting will also change the language of the opening and ending theme songs. Additionally, the game features a newly remixed soundtrack that you can switch between. ...
Date Added:Oct 4th, 2020 file_download Download all songs at once:click to download (FLAC+MP3) Your browser does not support HTML5 Audio! play_arrow 00:00 skip_previousskip_next shuffle repeat volume_up Song NameMP3FLAC Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars Theme0:411.51 MB4.52 MB...
Sit back and enjoy the original 11 songs that launched with the insane driving-meets-soccer video game, Rocket League®!
Important:Soundtrack packs sold on the Epic Games Store are NOT Player Anthems and are NOT used inside the game. These will instead feature songs from the game as music files to listen to outside of the game. The files can be found in the Rocket League installation fol...