Rocket League has been watched for over15.8 millionhours with an average of15,267viewers and a peak of168,195so far this year. Over800.9 thousandhours have been broadcast so far this year with a peak of1.5 thousandstreamers. Rocket League viewers, past between Wednesday 5th February and Wednes...
Your Best Assistant in Rocket League Enrich your gaming experience with in-depth statistics of you, your teammates and opponents! Live Match Overlay Join a match and we'll show you each player's current rank and more. Profile Overview Gather a quick overview of your own profile, or another...
Upload your own or view existing Rocket League replays from your browser using a 3D viewer and get access to game statistics (boost collected/consumed), positioning, demos, camera settings, ...)
discorddiscord-botrocketleague UpdatedJun 11, 2023 Python Automated retrieval of Rocket League Player Data using a webscraper for scraperocketleaguewebscrape UpdatedDec 17, 2020 Python Log statistics to a .csv file at the end of each match. ...
The website was updated to handle the new Rocket League® 2.46 replay format. Failed uploads are now automatically retried with the new parser, and they should start appearing in the website in the next few hours, though some edge cases may still not be parsed correctly. Apologies for ...
10.2024-10-131st»Collegiate Rocket League Fall 2024 - Open 2$500.00Rocket League Top Placements Champion Runner-up 3rd/Semis 19 Tournaments 9 Tournaments 12 Tournaments Other Statistics Prize Money Earned Under 18 Years of Age Before Crispy turned 18 years old, he earned$8,703.79in cash prizes...
10.2021-08-282nd»Philly Esports: 10K Legend Series - Cup 2$200.00Rocket League Top Placements Champion Runner-up 3rd/Semis 10 Tournaments 9 Tournaments 5 Tournaments Other Statistics Largest Prize from a Single Tournament The largest cash prize that Kayex has been awarded from a single tournament...
Rocket League has had hundreds of tournaments with top players earning a nice chunk of change. Here are some of the best players to ever take to the field.
Rocket League Explore Epic Games Wikis Battle Breakers•Bulletstorm•Fall Guys•Fortnite•Gears of War•Infinity Blade•Jazz Jackrabbit•One Must Fall•Paragon•Rocket League•Rumbleverse•Tyrian•Unreal ItemsAntennas•Decals•Goal Explosions•Paint Finishes•Player Banners•Rocket ...
2017-11-241Gfinity Rocket League - Nov 24thFLIPKuxir97•Miztik•YukeoMore... Statistics Tournament Statistics(detailed list) TournamentTeamGamesGPGAPGSHPGSAPGSH%MVP Template:PlayerStatisticsLineTemplate:PlayerStatisticsLineTemplate:PlayerStatisticsLineTemplate:PlayerStatisticsLine ...