Side note: The lag can be really bad sometimes and cause the car and/or ball to appear like it’s teleporting around the field. There should be a flag where if there is significant packet loss, the game is paused briefly with a countdown to resume or a goal is not counted. I typica...
Launch rocket league again Check theping rateagain. It should be lower by now. Using a VPN has the added advantage of improving your overall online privacy and security. It may also help in managingpacket lossin this game. After a VPN encrypts your data, it travels to and fro between yo...
火箭联盟吧基本信息 火箭联盟(Rocket League)》是一款快节奏竞速游戏,提供精彩的物理效果、疯狂的空中特技、以及激动人心的多人对战。本作是《超音速特技火箭战车(Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars)》的正统续作,将提供更炫酷的画面和物理效果,增加完整的单人剧情流程、大量玩家自定义选项和内容丰富的多人...
Upload your own or view existing Rocket League replays from your browser using a 3D viewer and get access to game statistics (boost collected/consumed), positioning, demos, camera settings, ...)
Rocket League Keeps Crashing: What To Do To Fix It For Good Rocket League Stuck On Start Screen: How To Fix It Quickly These solutions will answer why my ping is so high in Rocket League and ensure smooth playing without lags or stuttering. Let us know which solution worked for you....
Rocket-league Website Status History The above graph displays service status activity for over the last 10 automatic checks. The blue bar displays the response time, which is better when smaller. If no bar is displayed for a specific time it means that the service was down...
ive been having an issue where while playing rocket league, ill randomly start lagging, slightly raising my ping say from 40 to 70, but it feels like it goes up to 200+ ping. im thinking its packet loss, but ive never been able to be sure of anything be...
s teleporting around the field. There should be a flag where if there is significant packet loss, the game is paused briefly with a countdown to resume or a goal is not counted. I typically play on incredibly strong wifi with ~13ms ping and over 1gb/s speeds, so to be having severe...
火箭联盟吧基本信息 火箭联盟(Rocket League)》是一款快节奏竞速游戏,提供精彩的物理效果、疯狂的空中特技、以及激动人心的多人对战。本作是《超音速特技火箭战车(Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars)》的正统续作,将提供更炫酷的画面和物理效果,增加完整的单人剧情流程、大量玩家自定义选项和内容丰富的多人...
s teleporting around the field. There should be a flag where if there is significant packet loss, the game is paused briefly with a countdown to resume or a goal is not counted. I typically play on incredibly strong wifi with ~13ms ping and over 1gb/s speeds, so to be having severe...