BakkesModSDK BakkesMod是Rocket League的mod,最初是作为免费游戏的增强功能而构建的。 随着时间的推移,它已经发展壮大,现在它具有一些增强功能,例如移动摄像头,游戏中自定义培训师的差异选项,多人游戏托管,POV目标重播等等。 BakkesMod还提供了与Rocket League交互的软件开发套件/ API。 目前,它主要用于创建免费游戏培训...
BakkesMod is a great tool for honing your Rocket League skills. You can use this mod to change the game speed, speed of the ball, and even manipulate gravity. On top of the simple modifications, this mod also allows you to fully customize any training tool to get the most out of your ...
Note:You can also delete the Bakkes mod files inside your system. They will usually be saved insideC drive > Program files > Bakkesmod. If you have saved the files elsewhere, delete them accordingly. Remember that you are supposed to delete the mod files and not the setup file you download...
rocketleaguebakkesmod UpdatedNov 16, 2023 C++ GUI For MarlBot rocketleaguerlbotrlmarlbotnexto UpdatedJul 11, 2024 C# pharuxtan/sos-emulator Star11 Code Issues Pull requests Emulate Rocket League SOS Plugin WebSocket emulatoroverlaybroadcastsosrocketleaguetauritauri-app ...