What is Knockout LTM in Rocket League? Double XP and Double Drop-Rates in Rocket League What are in-game Events in Rocket League? Rocket League Custom Tournaments What is Heatseeker in Rocket League? How do I purchase Esports Tokens in Rocket League?
Knockout es un nuevo MTL de Rocket League en el que los jugadores combaten en arenas personalizadas. Knockout es un modo de juego de 8 jugadores en el que los jugadores tienen tres vidas al comienzo del partido. El objetivo de este modo es arrojar a los j...
Rocket League (PlayStation 4 Game) first released 7th Jul 2015, developed by Psyonix Studios and published by Epic Games.
Rocket League has now been around long enough that many of its event modes have been around for years: but now comes a completely new take which, amazingly enough, gets rid of the ball. The free-for-all Knockout mode is live now until May 10, and is basically an eight-player ...
File:Knockout LTM Arena Carbon promo art.jpg File:Knockout LTM Arena Quadron promo art.jpg M File:Mannfield (night).png File:Mannfield (Snowy).jpg File:Mannfield-Normal.png File:Mannfield-Stormy.png N File:Neo Tokyo standard.jpg File:Neon Fields arena preview1.jpg File:...
Knockout is a new LTM in Rocket League that involves player-to-player combat played on Custom Arenas. Knockout is an eight-player game mode
Knockout은 Rocket League의 새로운 시간 한정 모드로, 커스텀 아레나에서 플레이하는 플레이어 간 전투가 포함되어 있습니다. Knockout은 매치 시작 시 플레이어에게 3개의 생명이 주어...
참고: Rocket League Standard Controls 바인딩은 더 이상 지원되지 않습니다. 이 바인딩을 사용하는 플레이어는 계속해서 해당 바인딩을 사용할 수 있으나 새로운 버튼(예: Knockout 시간 ...
Knockout ist ein neuer LTM in Rocket League, in dem die Spieler in speziellen Arenen gegeneinander kämpfen. Knockout ist ein Modus für 8 Spieler. Jeder Spieler hat zu Beginn des Spiels drei Leben. Das Ziel des Spiels ist es, die Spieler des gegnerischen T...
Note: The Rocket League Standard Controls bindings are no longer supported. Players using these bindings will be able to continue using them but new buttons (Ex: for the Knockout LTM) will not appear. Click the Apply Configuration button. How do I disable S...