A Nintendo Switch Online membership (sold separately) is required for Save Data Cloud backup. Software and online features are subject to license, terms of use, and privacy policy (rocketleague.com/eula , rocketleague.com/tou , and rocketleague.com/privacy ). © 2015-2020 Psyonix LLC Rocke...
除了通常的线上游戏模式之外,《Rocket League》也支持 Nintendo Switch 的本地热点多人游玩功能。热点是一种本地连接模式,让你和你的好友们无需连接到同一网络(或连接至网络)便可同时游玩。主机会通过无线连接直接和其他主机建立连接,让你在没有互联网连接或本地 WiFi 热点的情况下仍然可以一同游玩私人比赛。...
Can Rocket League pros still win on Nintendo Switch? We asked them With Rocket League making its way onto Nintendo’s latest console, we catch up with top players, including a Worlds runner up, to get their thoughts on the Switch version and its esports potential. Written by Mike Stubbs 6...
Rocket League landed on Switch earlier today, but Nintendo gamers will find it hard to go toe to toe with PC and Xbox One players – without a few tips from the game’s creator, that is.
StartRocket Leagueon your Switch. Player 2: Press thePlus Button (+)on your Joy-Con or your Pro Controller. Player 2: Log In to your Nintendo account or selectSkipto use a temporary local profile. Both Players: Confirm your controller b...
Rocket League is coming to Nintendo Switch for Holiday 2017! The ‘Mario NSR,’‘Luigi NSR,’ and ‘Samus’ Gunship’ are all coming to this version of Rocket League as FREE unlockable Battle-Cars at launch! ByBen JancaonAugust 23, 2017 at 6:55PM PDT ...
任天堂交换机(Nintendo Switch) YOUAREONLYONE 3个月前 飞进太空的火箭 任天堂交换机– 醇(Nintendo Switch – OL) YOUAREONLYONE 3个月前 像素风格的火箭发动机 翔宇_58 5个月前 夜晚的火箭发射台、火箭发射台图片、火箭 火箭筒轰炸机(Bazooka Bomber) 超级炸弹人 4(Super Bomberman 4) /...
Rocket League — MLB Fan Packremove advertising notifications 追踪折扣 当价格跌破期望值或出现折扣时发出通知 add_circle 添加到我的游戏库 将游戏标记为已购买并将其添加到 我的游戏库 favorite 喜欢 改进个性化推荐,并将游戏添加到 喜欢的游戏 visibility_off 隐藏 从列表和搜索中删除该游戏,同时保持价格跟踪...
switch《火箭联盟 Rocket League》英文版,这是一款玩法非常独特的游戏,游戏将赛车和足球的元素融合到了一起,听起来是不是很有趣呢? 《火箭联盟中文版》(Rocket League)是一款快节奏动作体育游戏,由Psyonix制作发行。火箭联盟是《超音速特技火箭战车》的正统续作,将提供更炫酷的画面和物理效果,增加完整的单人剧情流程、...
Switch owners will be able to downloadRocket Leaguethrough the Nintendo eShop starting onNovember 14th for $19.99 USD or regional equivalent. We’re supporting all of the system’s various play modes with this release, including wireless local multiplayer, and don’t forget about theSwitch-exclusiv...