Create or Join a Rocket League Club 5 XP 3% of players unlock Know the Drill Complete a Practice Drill 5 XP 3% of players unlock Left Wing, Right Wing Win a Snow Day match with both the Blue and Orange teams 5 XP 0.5% of players unlock ...
我为何在尝试于Epic游戏商城领取战斗巴士(钛白色)组合包时遇到了“非常抱歉,您缺乏购买此组合包的必需物品”错误信息? 为何PC 平台《Rocket League》出现了宕机问题? Rocket League Connection Troubleshooting on PC How to install Rocket League using the Epic Games Launcher ...
Puis-je échanger la monnaie virtuelle d'un jeu Epic Games avec celle d'un autre ? Les clubs dans Rocket League Je reçois le message « Une erreur de type inconnu est survenue lors de la communication avec les serveurs de Rocket League » lorsque j'essaie de faire un échange ...
“Rocket Leaguewill also make its debut on the Epic Games Store when it goes free to play. It will be identical to the version on other platforms and will feature cross-platform play with allRocket Leagueplatforms. OnceRocket Leaguegoes free to play, anyone who already ow...
如果您位于北美,请从 Apple App Store 下载《Rocket League Sideswipe》 如果您位于欧盟地区,请按以下步骤进行: 1. 前往 下载 Epic Games Store。要下载 Epic
Есливыпытаетесьисправитьошибкузагрузкив Rocket League испособвышенепомог, попробуйтеследующийшаг:«Каксоздатьновыеданныесохраненийна PlayStation, ч...
Yes! Rocket League on the Epic Games Store has full cross-platform support, so you'll be able to play with anyone who plays Rocket League! Can I still play Rocket League on Steam once it launches on the Epic Games Store? Yes! Rocket League will still be updated for playe...
Какпереустановить Rocket League на PlayStation 4? Помоглалиэтастатьяустранитьпроблему? Да Нет Неможетенайтито, чтоищете? Ознакомьтесьсэтимипопулярным...
如果您的 PC 上没有同时安装 Epic Games 启动器与《Rocket League》,便会出现该错误。 1. 请在此下载 Epic Games 启动器: 2. 登录至您的账户。 3
Да!Rocket Leagueв Epic Games Store полностьюкроссплатформенна, такчтоможносоревноватьсясовсеми, ктоиграетвRocket League! Можнолибудетидальшеигр...