After a description of the two categories tools, an example of application is given on a small space launcher.关键词: zero-point energy warp drive propellantless propulsion metric engineering interstellar flight DOI: 10.1016/S0094-5765(01)00164-3 被引量: 12 ...
A quiet revolution is underway – carrier identification (CID) makes inroads in the satellite industry with goal of reducing and eliminating sources of interference. [Via Satellite – 08/26/2014] API Technologies introduces model LCFS-X configurable RF and microwave frequency synthesizers for SIGINT,...
limited.Extensiveuse was made of barrage, ripple-fired rockets. Both A-frame and truck-mounted launchers were used. The Soviets mass-produced a 130-millimetre rocket known as theKatyusha. From 16 to 48 Katyushas were fired from a boxlike launcher known as the Stalin Organ, mounted on a ...