The Guardians split up; while the rest of the team returned to Knowhere to find the Reality Stone, Rocket and Groot accompanied Thor to Nidavellir to obtain Stormbreaker. Using the Bifrost Bridge, the trio traveled to Earth to join the Battle of Wakanda, where he fought alongside Winter ...
WillYaru Willyman18 wilmer_degroot wilson.huang Wily Willy WimpKid winder1994 WindMagi Windwalker Wingar Wîngbow Wingom Wingrage Wingrove winifredd Wintermute_of_CoF Wipeoutt31 Wiredwoodsman WiseDUMB WIStudent witheelabs WittyKnight WizarDavid - J4CK T3H R1PP3R WizE KevN Wizen Wolf...
三分钟读懂 Rocket Protocol:面向未来虚拟世界的区块链基础设施 撰文:Groot 在比特币诞生的第 11 个年头,DeFi 这把野火的燎原之势让越来越多的人意识到了区块链金融属性的价值所在。2021 年前两个月的时间里 NFT 等非金融领域的爆发为区块链技术的应用价值又新添了浓墨重彩的一笔。正如以太坊在创立之初就着眼应用...