rknn-toolkit2 RKNN-Toolkit2是为用户提供在PC平台上进行Rockchip芯片NPU模型转换、推理和性能评估的开发...
8) 自定义算子功能:如果模型含有 RKNN-Toolkit 不支持的算子(operator),那么在模型转换阶段就会失败...
Rockchip RKNN API 用户指南说明书 http://t.rock-chips.com Rockchip User Guide RKNN_API V1.3.0
http://t.rock-chips.com Rockchip User Guide RKNN-Toolkit EN V1.2.1 Table of Contents http://t.rock-chips.com 1 Overview ... 1 2 Requirements/Dependencies ...
. The RKNN-Toolkit can generate a model file with the rknn suffix, such as mobilenet_v1-tf.rknn. On the Linux platform, enter the /Linux/rknn_api_sdk directory, the API definition is in /rknn_api/include/rknn_api.h, and the dynamic library path of RKNN API is /rknn_api/lib(64)...
05_RKNN_Compiler_Support_Operator_List_V2.3.0.pdf RKNNToolKit2_OP_Support-2.3.0.md Using RKNN-ToolKit2 in WSL.md WSL中使用RKNN_ToolKit2.md rknn_server_proxy.md res rknn-toolkit-lite2 rknn-toolkit2 rknpu2 .gitignore CHANGELOG.md
该场景下,RKNN-Toolkit 直接安装在 RK3399Pro Linux 系统中。构建或导入的 RKNN 模型直 接在 RK3399...
This repository is no longer maintained and has been moved to https://github.com/airockchip/rknn-toolkit2/ . 本仓库不再维护,已经移到https://github.com/airockchip/rknn-toolkit2。 Description RKNN software stack can help users to quickly deploy AI models to Rockchip chips. The overall framew...