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推送到了test/rkmedia的master分支 超过4 年前 0010e01mpp encoder: fix configuration num_region error 推送到了test/mpp的develop分支 超过4 年前 8d8f227[mpp_frame]: Add frame buffer compression support 50a9655[test]: update sample for fbc support ...
@rockchip test 暂无简介 关注私信 0 Stars 56 Watches 24 Followers 0 Following 概览仓库56星选集 所有个人的我参与的 Forks暂停/关闭的 全部公开的56私有的0 排序 1 0 0 test/LocalPlayer 暂无标签
As an advanced graph and image processing technology, WDR(Wide Dynamic Range)technology directly influences the video shooting effect. The comparison of drive test results verifies the great image processing performance between Rockchip visual processing solution RV1108 and other solution. The car DVR, ...
Permissions 0744 for '/home/rootroot/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open. It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others. This private key will be ignored. Load key "/home/rootroot/.ssh/id_rsa": bad permissions
arecord -d10-f cd -c2-t wav -r44100-v record_test.wav 以上命令表示将录制10秒,以CD格式,立体声,44100采样,输出文件为record_test.wav,按回车开始录音。录音完成后,使用Ctrl + C退出。 2.3 查看pcm设备列表 root@rk3399:/#cat/proc/asound/pcm00-00: ff880000.i2s-rt5651-aif1 rt5651-aif1-0:...
3.1.1usb_test.c 在/opt/libusb目录下编写测试应用程序usb_test.c: #include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<stdint.h>#include<errno.h>#include<fcntl.h>#include<unistd.h>#include#include<getopt.h>#include<ctype.h>#include<signal.h>#include<linux/input.h>#include<linu...
密级状态:绝密( ) 秘密( ) 内部( ) 公开( √ )文件状态: [ ] 草稿[ √ ] 正式发布[ ] 正在修改文件标识:RK-KF-YF-279当前版本:V1.1.5 作者:吴良清 完成日期:2021-08-31审核:陈海燕 审核日期:2021-08-31 title: Rockchip_Developer_Guide_Android11_SDK_V0.0.2_CN description: Android11开发...
1. run wayland with drm and gpu renderer 2. run wayland with drm and cpu renderer weston --idle-time=100 --use-pixman --idle-time: how many seconds the weston got to sleep, it's usefull to test wayland ...
Test encoders 1080p H.264, CQP rate control ./ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc2=s=1920x1080,format=nv12 -c:v hevc_rkmpp -qp_init 26 -profile:v main -level 4.1 -g:v 100 -vframes 5000 -y /tmp/tmp.mp4 1080p H.264, CBR rate control ./ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc2=s=1920x108...