在bing目录有3个文件,复制到Android目录下 本文缺少一个mkupdate.bat文件,所有要自己做一个 代码如下: Afptool -pack ./ firmware.img RKImageMaker.exe -RK32 RKLoader.bin firmware.img update.img -os_type:androidos rem update.img is new format, firmware.img is old format, so delete older format...
echo 7.编译android6.0.1 AOSP(在目录rockdev/Image-rk3288下生成boot.img、pcba_small_misc.img ...
将固件BCM4345C5.hcd拷贝到vendor/rockchip/common/bluetooth/lib/firmware 以下文件添加蓝牙加载固件路径及...
整个可以烧录固件img由rk bootloader及firmware打包而来,其中boot.bin为rk bootloader,firmware.img为固件...
FwPatchFilePath = /vendor/firmware/ //蓝牙固件根据连接的芯片模组动态加载 shell@rk3288_box:/...
4. make rkupdate-rebuild 5. ./build.sh recovery 6. ./mkfirmware.sh 7. 烧写 recovery.img 1...
This version RK-Kodi15.2 based native Kodi15.2 RC1 version. Currently supports RK3368 Android5.1, RK3288 Android5.1, RK3288 Android4.4 platform. Before installing, configure according to the manual, please check the corresponding source code version of the firmware is already updated to the latest ...
//在/system/etc/firmware/路径下存放 rkwifi_set_firmware rk_wifi_config.c dhd_allocate_if ->...