'M' (Mine): 111 'R' (Rock): 97 The dataset is split into features (X) and the target variable (Y). Further, a train-test split is performed using Scikit-learn'strain_test_splitfunction, ensuring a 90-10 split ratio with stratification. ...
Prediction The model predicts whether a given input data sample corresponds to a rock or a mine. 🧪 Example Results **Training Accuracy: 83.5% ** **Testing Accuracy: 76.0% ** 📜 Future Enhancements Add support for additional classification algorithms for comparison. Visualize the dataset and ...
3b in which all dataset points are not shown but the R2 and the number of datasets for each relation are shown. Clearly, mode I fracture toughness and Young’s modulus increase with increasing characteristic impedance faster than the three strengths and Poisson’s ratio of intact rock. The ...
For the scanning of the Stela and the mine toolmarks, located in hard-to-approach areas, we used the Creaform HandySCAN mobile scanner. The Stela Engraving was scanned while the researchers climbed to the high location on the rock by ladder and top rope (Fig.5). The accuracy of the creat...
The resulting mtDNA dataset was used to estimate relationships among all 135 samples in RAxML 8.1.1 (Stamatakis 2014), unpartitioned, with the GTRGAMMA model for sequence evolution, and assessed branch support using the automatic rapid bootstrap function on the CIPRES Science Gateway (Stamatakis ...
A dense point cloud dataset of ∼10 million points was generated. As shown in Fig. 17, a representative rock outcrop of the slope with minimum blast-induced fractures was chosen as the sampling zone. The approximate size of the selected area was 18 m × 6 m. Based on the adaptive ...
136 tonnes – a record as far back as our dataset goes. This year, they have continued to accumulate. For the first nine months of 2023, the World Gold Council (WGC) reports central banks purchased an additional 800 tonnes of gold, with 337 tonnes coming in the third quarter alone. ...
(https://lpdaac.usgs.gov/dataset_discovery/aster). Black lines are topographic contours in metres above sea level derived from the ASTER GDEM. Grid co-ordinates are for Universal Transverse Mercator projection (RGR 1992 UTM 40 S). Map made with ArcMAP 10.2.2 (http://desktop.arcgis.com...
Engineering geologists and mining engineers frequently utilize the Q-system to characterize rock exposures and drill-cores and to estimate the single-shell support and reinforcement (shotcrete and bolting) required for tunnels, caverns, and mine roadways. Recently, Barton and Bar (2015) presented the...
We show that this dataset allows to define the key steps of skarn formation within the fault and suggests an ore environment that is transitional between skarn and epithermal. A comparison with other deposits from Elba and from a neighboring ore district of the Northern Apennines (pyritic ore ...