Obsidian is an igneous rock that forms when molten rock cools very rapidly. The result is a rock that cooled so fast, crystals did not get a chance to form. Obsidian is a volcanic glass with a smooth and uniform structure. Interesting Obsidian Rock Facts: Different varieties of obsidian ro...
Thetermforarockformedwhenmoltenrockcoolsandhardens.Extrusive,orvolcanic,igneousrockcoolsonthesurfaceaslava.Intrusiveigneousrockformswhenmoltenrockcoolsunderground. DictionaryofUnfamiliarWordsbyDiagramGroupCopyright©2008byDiagramVisualInformationLimited ThesaurusAntonymsRelatedWordsSynonymsLegend: ...
When molten rock cools it becomes what kind of rock?Question:When molten rock cools it becomes what kind of rock?Kinds of RocksAll the rocks on Earth can be classified into one of three groups depending on how the rock is formed. These three groups, or types, are igneous, metamorphic, ...
Igneous rocks form when hot molten rock, or magma, rises through the Earth's crust, then cools and solidifies. When magma slowly cools deep underground, large crystals grow inside it, creating coarse-grained rock such as granite, while rapid cooling at the surface creates fine-grained rock s...
These Move Faster than the Speed of Light 44 related questions found What rock forms when magma cools? Igneous rocksform when magma (molten rock) cools and crystallizes, either at volcanoes on the surface of the Earth or while the melted rock is still inside the crust. ...
In one stage of the rock cycle, igneous rock forms frommagma. Magma is molten rock beneath Earth's surface. Magma can flow to the surface through volcanoes. Upon reaching the surface, the molten rock cools and hardens into solid igneous rock. ...
Created when molten rock cools and solidifies, either below the surface (intrusive, with large crystals) or above (extrusive, with small crystals).Examples: basalt, pumice, granite, obsidian More Fun Earth Science Activities When you finish this edible rock cycle activity, why not explore more ...
Granite is anigneous rockthat forms when magma cools relatively slowly underground. It is usually composed primarily of the minerals quartz, feldspar, and mica. When granite is subjected to intense heat and pressure, it changes into a metamorphic rock called gneiss. ...
They may also be classified according to particle size, in the case of conglomerates and breccias or in the case of individual stones. The transformation of one rock type to another is described by the geological model called the rock cycle. Igneous rocks are formed when molten magma cools ...
percentsilica(SiO2) and is often rich in iron and magnesium. Basalt is the most common type of rock in the Earth's crust - most of the sea floor is made up of basalt. Basalt forms when lava cools on the surface (whe then same type of lave cools below the surface,gabbrois formed)....