RockSolid products include industrial-grade garage floor epoxy coatings, concrete sealers, deck resurfacers and more.
gases from fossil-fuel-burning power plants. This process is used to greatly reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide which helps the environment by reduction of harmful acid rain. The use of this recaptured gypsum also eliminates the need to dispose of the material in landfills as a solid waste. ...
authorizedRockSolidFloors’applicator,thematerialsarewarrantedforthelifetimeoftheoriginalpurchaseragainstany abnormalyellowing,fadingorcolorchangeoftheclearsealerduetotheeffectsofUVsunlightoroverheadlightingandforthree (3)yearsafterinstallationagainstfailurestobondtotheconcrete,peeling,flaking,chippingorexcesswearandexcessi...
gases from fossil-fuel-burning power plants. This process is used to greatly reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide which helps the environment by reduction of harmful acid rain. The use of this recaptured gypsum also eliminates the need to dispose of the material in landfills as a solid waste. ...