Modeling process. Our GST model is build based on the rock-salt structure. In order to form a vacancy layer penetrating the (111) plane, we redefine a new lattice vectors in the calculation cell: (1 1 1), (− 1 1 0), (− 1 − 1 2), in terms of the rock-salt...
High concentrations of CaO in the liquid phase of the wet cement mix also increases the rate of formation of ettringite in the cement which further contributes to the volume expansion [59]. The hydration heat of the reaction could reach up to a temperature of 150 ◦C during the reaction,...
Prediction of the geomechanical state of the rock mass when mining salt deposits with stowing. J. Min. Inst. 2022, 253, 61–70. [CrossRef] 7. Khayrutdinov, A.M.; Kongar-Syuryun, C.B.; Kowalik, T.; Tyulyaeva, Y.S. Stress-strain behavior control in rock mass using different-st...
Table 1. Values of heating surficial rock temperature rate (HTRs), cooling surficial rock temperature rate (CTRs), heating thermal excursion (HTEx), cooling thermal excursion (CTEx) for the back side of the rock-block. The heating values were calculated taking into consideration a time ...
In Proceedings of the 44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 27–30 June 2010. 23. Fakhimi, A.; Gharahbagh, A.E. Discrete element analysis of the effect of pore size and pore distribution on the mechanical behavior of ...
(0––00.2.2MM) )oof fsisningglelesasaltlt(N(NaaCCl)l)bbrirnineeaat tlolowwNNPPcoconncecenntrtaratitoionnss (0(0.4.4aanndZd0et.06a.6gpg/o/tLLe)n)..tial of the NPs becomes less negative in the presence of SSW ions (Figure 2) owing to theZZceoetamtappporoetestensintoitanial ...
The samples were held in the MTS between the cells and were subjected to a fixed rate of stress of 17.17 kN/min. The samples usually reached failure within 5–15 min of applied stress. Every sample failure was video recorded, and photographs were taken before and after failure. These were...
((44)) DDuurriinngg aaxxiiaall llooaaddiinngg,, tthhee ssaammpplleess ssuubbjjeecctteedd ttoo mmoorree llaatteerraall llooaaddiinngg ccyycclleess sshhoowweedd aa hhiigghheerr llaatteerraallllooaaddininggstsrtersesssanadnda laarlgaerrgelartelaratelrparlepssruersesucroeefcfioceieffnict.ieTnht...
(b) Figure lF1ai1ng.dusrleLida1e1ns.doLnsaltnihddeesflsiidnoeescscaonucdcrurlerarydeedri.nin tthhee ssttuuddyyaraerae. a(a. ) l(aan)dsllaidnedssolindethse oQnuattherenaQryuadteepronsiatsr;y(bd)eposits; (b) landslides on the fine sand layer. Water 2017, 9, 669 13 of 15 6. ...
ercolation Rate (mm/year) Soil/Tailings Coal mine tCaoilainl mgsine tailings Wa0ste Rock Co3n0tent (%) 30 0 3030 453300 4545 4545 0 45 Modelin-g Condition Fixed height Adjusted heigh- t-Method 1 AdjustedFhixeeidghhte-iMghetthod 2 AAddjjuuFssttieexddedhheehiiggehhigtt--hMMt eett...