America was still openly racist, people were dying, and BIPOC (Black/Indigenous/People of Color) had no choice but to take public stands to shed light and call attention to the conditions we faced, regularly enforced by a government that either didn’t care or wanted us gone. Thus, in ou...
"Jelly Roll thought we were making fun of him, and he just rolled up on me and just scared the living crap out of me," Carney said. "Like, 'Do you wanna go?' And I was like 'Nope, I'm good dude, nice to meet you, though." Do the Black Keys and Jelly Roll Get Along Now?
"Jelly Roll thought we were making fun of him, and he just rolled up on me and just scared the living crap out of me," Carney said. "Like, 'Do you wanna go?' And I was like 'Nope, I'm good dude, nice to meet you, though." Do the Black Keys and Jelly Roll Get Along Now?
Dolores O'Riordan , was probably the greatest Lyracist , and Vocalist that ever lived ! ! ! Have you heard their entire discography ? It's nothing less than astounding ! Posted by Victor P Friskey on Wednesday, 12/20/2023 @ 10:05am If you're not quite sure if The Cranberries should...
, I would say that the only group that I woundn't celebrate getting into the Hall would be NWA. I too personally dislike thier music except "Express Yourself" and I just don't understand why so meny praise them when all they did was steer rap down a more gangester and racist path....
As dude who refer to himself as God let me demonstrate it If you don't get it at first revisit it later But in the meantime let's examine the difference in our nature As in lovin' or hateful patriotic or rebel Positive and negative or in God and the devil It's been debated...
我不想被当成种族主义者 但那个中东人可能是个恐hearts;怖hearts;分hearts;子hearts; That sound racist? 听上去很种族歧视? this rich chestnut color is natural? 你这鲜艳的栗色是天生的? Excuse me. 抱歉 Whiskey,straight up. 威士忌 满杯 Ill have a white rum with diet ginger ale and a splash of...
这句话也不算种族主义 因为我压根不知道她什么族 And thats not racist because I dont know what she is. 老天 大家都活得这么复杂 Man, we all lead such complicated lives. 想去新开的爆米花店吃午饭吗? Hey, do you want to go to that new popcorn place for lunch? 我得去主管用餐间会会Hank...
Dude,i have to meet you. I'm brian. 老兄 我一定要认识你 我叫Brian What's up,brian? 你好Brian We love you."this honky grandma be trippin'" 我们喜欢你 "这个白老太嗑药了" hey,when I quote lines from your movie, that's not racist,right?
insensitive things. But it kinda came off like douchey, frat boy one-upsmanship to me. I may be desensitized to that kinda thing. Or maybe i'm just racist (that was a joke). His (the frontmans) response was kinda pitiful too. The typical "i'm getting help from experts" plea. What...