A rock-solid combination of rock-rolling action, deep strategy, and captivating art and music from different ages of history, this is a game of crush or be crushed! Two castles stand opposed; one is yours, the other is your enemy’s. They're a jerk and their castle sucks, so you’re...
Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break 是劃時代創意大作,結合了對戰型塔防、大型機台動作遊戲元素,以及 ACE Team 的超現實 Monty Python-esque 幽默感。 踏入一個史詩級的爆笑故事、在奇異的冒險旅程遇見怪異的傳說角色、您也可以首次創造並分享您自己的關卡、與朋友以及其他玩家進行線上即時瘋狂塔防以及岩石競速。 遊戲...
Rock of Ages A rock-solid combination of rock-rolling action, deep strategy, and captivating art and music from different ages of history, this is a game of crush or be crushed! 最近评测: 特别好评(15) 全部评测: 特别好评(3,040) 发行日期:...
Game Info Rock of Ages 3: Make and BreakJuly 21st, 2020 PlatformSteam, PS4, Xbox One, Switch PublisherModus Games DeveloperACE Team It's hard to remember a time when Rock of Ages didn’t exist. It has appeared in one form or another at the periphery of the console arcades and ...
Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break 是一款竞技塔防和街机动作游戏,融合了 ACE Team 搞笑的 Monty Python-esque 幽默,新奇好玩脑洞大开。 类型:益智解谜,回合制,街机,竞速,策略,独立 视角:第三人称视角,上帝视角 版本:发行版本 游戏本体 模式:大型多人,分屏,单人,多人 ...
Here is an overview of the game: Make your own levels. Break everyone else’s. Rock of Ages III: Make & Breakis competitive tower defense and arcade action rolled up with ACE Team’s quirky, Monty Python-esque humor into one giant, creative game for the ages. ...
世纪之石 Rock of Ages 补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/竞速/策略 平台: PC/PS3/Xbox 360 开发商: ACE Team 发行商: Atlus U.S.A., Inc. 发行日期: 2011-08-31
Release Date:Aug 28, 2017 -PlayStation 4,Xbox One,PC,Xbox Series X/S,PlayStation 5,Nintendo Switch Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder Trailers Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder | Rockin' Trailer Rock of Ages 2: Main Theme - Piano ...
世纪之石2:比格和巨石 Rock of Ages II: Bigger and Boulder 补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/竞速/策略 平台: PC/PS4/Xbox One 预计上市时间: 2017-12-01 发行日期: 2017-08-28 豆瓣评分 7.7 50人评价 5星 30.0% 4星 44.0% 3星 16.0% 2星 8.0% 1星 2.0% 想玩在玩玩过...
Rock of Ages 2 is still a fun and madcap adventure, giving you the ability to desecrate art and history, but the game has a habit of taking a little too long with each match. The humor and character carry it a long way and the battles can still come to very tense nail-biting finish...