RocknRolla: Directed by Guy Ritchie. With Gerard Butler, Tom Wilkinson, Thandiwe Newton, Mark Strong. When a Russian mobster orchestrates a crooked land deal, millions of dollars are up for grabs, drawing in the entire London underworld into a feeding fr
Rock ‘n’ Roll!Released 1987 Distributor Universal PicturesDirected by Taylor Hackford, this revealing 1987 documentary celebrating Chuck Berry’s 60th birthday turns into an exploration of the great rocker’s curdled world view as much as a tribute to his music; by film’s end we realize the...
If you have a streaming link to your film, or if it is playing in the San Francisco Bay Area, please email the information to I sent it! Did you get it? Probably! Please allow two months from your mailing date before following up with us to ask if we...
Who is going to be the next great rock n roll band? That is a question I am always out searching the answer for while attending local shows. A friend told me about one such band that recently opened for Blackberry Smoke that hits the mark! The Band Feel has it all, the sound, the...
Please send physical copies to PO Box 3852, Oakland, CA 94609, USA. If you have a streaming link to your film, or if it is playing in the San Francisco Bay Area, please email the information to Get Involved Submit Donate FAQ Contact mrr@maximumrocknroll....
Last Man Standing – Down ‘n’ Outz (This Is How We Roll) Bent – Buckcherry (Warpaint) Taste Like – Tesla (Shock) Helpless – Buckcherry (Time Bomb) Shock – Tesla (Shock) Dirty Livin’ – KISS (Dynasty) Half As Lovely (Twice As True) – Seth MacFarlane (Once In A While) ...
Variety Film + TV Keith Richards (II) Sights and Sounds: Southern Avenue Showcases the Soul of Memphis 2/7/2025 by Elle Perry Marianne Faithfull Wanted Money for 1 Rolling Stones Song 2/2/2025 by Matthew Trzcinski
Film Turns Tide for Dolphins at StarKist Tuna : Environment: A rock ‘n’ roll executive carried the public’s message: ‘People just want to let the dolphin alone.’ TIMES STAFF WRITER Over salads, Weight Watchers entrees, dry crackers and talk of racehorses, two corporate chieftains met ...
Robb Recommends: The Incense-Forward Fragrance You’ll Want to Wear Religiously 8 hours ago How Joe Tacopina Won A$AP Rocky’s Felony Assault Trial In a Triumphant Return, Myriam Hernández Receives Gaviota de Platino at Viña del Mar
Rock 'n' roll has given us some of the most iconic figures in music history, and many of these legends are still rocking strong. When we talk about the ages of famous old rock stars, it’s fascinating to see how these artists have aged while maintaining their relevance and passion for ...